[@Kurisa][@Oblivion666] Yakima walked out to the courtyard, where a large number of shinigami had collected. He sighed [i]First those now all these recruita...goddammit[/i] He walked out to the front of the gathering, his arms behind his back. He cleared his throat [color=gray]"I am the captain of this squad, Yakima Saiyo. I know some of you may be unhappy with these new changes of recruitment. However, that should not deter you from joining. The experience we gain is hands-on experience, something training can never make-up for. We'll be having have spars just to gauge everyones strength and what role they could fit into the squad. If you need any help or wish to find someone to spar, then find some of the shinigami watching over these exercises. Begin"[/color] Yakima turned away from the crowd as they began to spar with each other [color=gray]"Now for you two troublemakers. I have a feeling someone will get hurt if I let you spar with them so I have something else planned. Either you two can spar each other or the two of you can spar me[/color] If they sparred each other, than he was fine with that. They woukd spar with a bokken with things getting slightly hectic at worse. But he had something more fun planned if they chose the latter.