[quote=@Ace of Jacks] So what we are, "Guardians" are pretty much walkong zombies. These little robots called ghost resurrected most, if not all, of us from the dead. Wther or not we remember our past life beforr being reborn as a Guardian is up to you really. So what hes asking in age is 1) How long have you been a Guardian and 2) How old do you look By gear he means your armour. If you are a newly born Guardian then it would be very basic. But there are some "exotic" or "legendary" armour that grant some helpful perks. Some arent really practical for RP purposes, but still they are aesthetically pleasing. Id say dont worry so much about the armor, but if youre interested you could always take a browse around [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Armor]here[/url] To be honest, RP-wise, the only thing you'd have to really understand is how each class works XD. Maybe watch a little video clip or gif of each classes "super" ability so you know what uour capable of. Its the equvalent of an Ultimate if you're familiar with League of Legends XD [@Gin] Ill probably go with [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/MIDA_Multi-Tool]MIDA Multi-Tool[/url] since I can't have my trusty [url=http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Fang_of_Ir_Yût]Fang[/url]. Going to whip up a CS tonight [/quote] Aye, man thanks for the breakdown I am starting to feel that the time which has passed since I last RPd is showing effect in my lack of detail. Amnesia works if ya like, past memories is up to you but I imagine the past being kind of broken memorywise. I co gm promoted you two because as noticed, it has proven itself a huge asset for me and I must already thank you guys for you support, I know I am kind of lacking as a gm right now but hang in there, I will come around. Also suros regime is a okey. It might even have similar effect through expensive and golden age advanced tech working its magic for the unique perk. :)