[center][img]http://www.auplod.com/u/pauldo4c804.png[/img][/center] [i]"Ghouls are without a doubt the greatest evil, existing only to devour mankind. Their lives depend on the act of killing; if they do not eat, they suffocate and eventually die. This plague that has been terrorizing us is at a decline. Several years ago, a Japanese and a German scientist worked together to create a weapon to defeat humanity’s natural enemy: the quinque. This is a weapon forged from a ghoul’s predatory organ, [url=tokyoghoul.wikia.com/wiki/Kagune]the kagune[/url]. Even today, the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul) and its investigators wage their war on the ghouls all around the world." [right]-Head of the Britian division of the CCG, Alan Watts[/right][/i] [hr] This is an RP that I had an intention of doing for a long time, but never really got to get it off the ground. If there's anyone interested in a sandbox TG RP, please tell me. I have the OOC prepared, so whenever we get enough people willing to play, we can start.