Marga listened to the others as they discussed how to best breach and board the mysterious Lone Star ship. She didn’t offer any help, though a few ideas did present themselves to her as boarding vessels when she hadn’t been invited on to them was more or less a speciality of hers. She kept quiet though as she was still working on a way of getting out of this particular predicament before it went any further. "Just think, that hunk of junk could barely be sold for scrap if it wasn't famous, but because it is, anyone who got their hands own it could make a fortune selling it to the right people." [@TheUnknowable] The comment was directed at her and the underlying message of it wasn’t missed by Marga. She’d had time to think while on the small Navy vessel that was transporting them to the Lone Star. Yes, there stories of the ship housing wondrous bounties and treasures that were beyond compare, but as far as Marga could tell, there was no solid evidence to say whether they were true. Marga had probably heard more of the folklore and hearsay surrounding the newly returned Lone Star than the other passengers surrounding her. Being a life-long thief, she had often stolen artefacts and bounties after simply hearing other people - though generally those of a less than pleasant nature as was the way with most of the people she worked with - discussing such things. The Lone Star however was different. The Lone Star was cloaked in more than just simple mystery. Mystery was fine. Marga loved mysteries, they came as part of the job really. The Lone Star though, no, that was just eery. Marga lifted her gaze to the window. Ten years had passed without a single living sole sighting the ship and then all of a sudden it just appears there for the taking? Marga was one of the best thieves there was because she trusted her instincts, and right now, her instincts were telling her to [i]run[/i]. The large vessel was giving her an uneasy feeling, her skin was starting to prickle as her discomfort grew and her stomach felt like a lead weight in her body. The Lone Star resurfacing was too good to be true - surely you'd have to be a fool not to see that? Though, looking around the passenger compartment of the ship she was currently on, she wondered that maybe the Navy [i]did[/i] realise that. After all, she knew from the numerous squadrons that had chased her and the [i]Armada[/i] over the years that they had people trained for such instances as these and they weren't here, were they? No, instead the Navy had put together a ramshackle team of misfits to investigate the Lone Star. Marga gritted her teeth, she didn't like the idea that she was being used. "Are they supposed to be some kind of a fashion statement?" [@Kalas] [i]Oh.[/i] So Mez was going to acknowledge her, was he? [i]Smarmy git.[/i] Marga could feel the tension in her muscles rising and was slightly annoyed that he still had such an effect on her. She put it down to anger and hatred towards the Visipian though. Her immediate response was that she was handcuffed so that she didn't cut off his balls, but she'd quickly clamped her mouth shut before she could say it, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing her so heated. Instead she rolled her shoulders gently, adopted her default feline expression of noncommittal boredom before stretching out her lithe body, knowing his eyes would be drawn to it as they had so many times before. She let out what she knew sounded like a contented sigh - she was a good actress after all - then turned her gaze to her former paramour. [b]"Oh darling,"[/b] she said sweetly, but her voice was laced with condescension, [b]"the last time we were together, your hands were around my neck trying to choke the life out of me, so you see, these are only here to stop me returning the favour."[/b] Marga sent him a grin that could only be described as feral, bordering on predatory even. [i]Hmph,[/i] see what he said to [i]that.[/i]