So here's my CS. It's pretty WIP right now, so a lot of things are subject to change. Well, his appearance, age, gender, personality and phobias are set in stone, and the rest are kind of like set in clay, but tell me if something's wrong with it. -------------------------- [img] [/img] [color=00a99d]“Can’t someone else do it?”[/color] [b]Name:[/b] Victor Blanc [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] Victor’s around 5’6 and weighs around 65 kg. Most of the time, he wears his old school uniform (standard blazer, black with white highlights) and converse shoes. [b]Personality:[/b] So damn lazy. That’s practically all you have to know. Victor is very intelligent, but is weighed down a lot by his nihilistic views of the world. He basically believes that things anyone does ultimately amount to not that much, so we should just do what we want to and it’ll end up as the same thing. With that said, he also respects the rights others have to do the things they want and may sometimes go along with them if he has nothing better to do or he’s bored or something. Also kind of cynical but in a bored sort of way. [b]Biography:[/b] Victor was born to a reasonably normal family to a reasonably normal upbringing. The normalcy was marred a tiny bit by the fact that he could see the ghost of his great-great grandfather manifested as a flaming skull only he could see. It didn’t do much a lot, really, but early on in his life, Victor realised that whatever you did in life, you’d still wind up dead, unless you successfully became immortal. But he also realised that even being immortal was pretty pointless because you don’t have anything to do after that. He didn’t really have any goals in life and his biggest dream was to retire at a young age and not have to bother with life. With that in mind, he picked up pickpocketing because it seemed interesting. He had some interest in being fast for a while and had a penchant for running away. And then he died, which was kind of a bummer. [b]Death Scenario:[/b] He was walking down the street one time when his grandad’s ghost told him to save some girl who was about to be run over. And by told, I mean annoyed excessively for 20 straight hours about it. He did and was perfectly fine. Unfortunately, it turns out that girl really wanted to kill him as he’d stolen something important to her. He ended up with a knife in his chest for his trouble. And so he died, and he figured that it was good enough. Shutting his eyes, he slowly died, content that it was as good a time as any to disappear. And then he woke up in hell. It turns out it was his grandpa's plan to get Victor in hell so that Victor could go fight the anomalies at which Victor was really pissed off at his grandpa for forcing him to do so. [b]Phobias:[/b] Spiders, goats and falling [b]Skills:[/b] Good at running fast. Good at pickpocketing. Good at hiding and stealth. [b]Power:[/b] Third arm [b]Theme Song:[/b] Can’t think of a good one right now, can’t think of any right now. Anyone got suggestions?