[@Kitsune] [@Oblivion666] Sai took hold of both sealed Zanpakutos, her smile jolting into a smirk for a split second before returning back into a soft smile at what Sotaro had said while handing over his blade. She may pay too much attention to people's words and actions but that was one of the many reasons why she held a Captain position; her observation skills and how she puts that information to use is indeed one of Sai's strong points. [color=a187be][b]"I will"[/b][/color] She responded to the tall Shinigami before shunpo-ing back to give the two a little more distance. Looking down, Sai scanned the both Zanpakutos, leaving them inside their sheaves of course as she didn't want to take them out without permission, not that she needed to. After giving both sheaved blades a once-over, Sai returned her eyes to the main event as both Shinigami's readied themselves and started their spar. [@LokiLeo789] The female Squad Thirteen member made sure she walked a little forward in front of the other Shinigami as she lead him quietly. The man then spoke up, much to the female's distaste since she wasn't utterly comfortable with conversing with new people but she was always one to try and help anyone in need. However, since this guy asked her a question, it would of been rude for her to ignore him. "W-well... um.." She started, stopping herself to think of what to say before continuing to speak. She sounded a little nervous at first but managed to mask that as she continued talking since she had thought of what to say. "Captain Yoshimasuto is very nice and kind and is a really good Captain... and um, we're almost there" Was all she said before quieting herself once again. To her relief, they had found the Captain a couple of minutes later. "Captain Yoshi!" The female called, attracting Sai's attention. [color=a187be][b]"Oh hello Hinen! What did Squad Four say? Is it going to be Okay?"[/b][/color] Sai's face tinted with concern as the female Shinigami approached her. A smile suddenly shot across the girl's face. "Yup, everything is going to be fine! A member there said they'll take care of it and later I'm going to go back to set it free" Sai returned Hinen's smile with her own, abolishing her concerned look to replaced it with a grateful one. [color=a187be][b]"That's great! I'm glad everything went well. So, is this a friend of your's Hinen?"[/b][/color] Sai asked, looking towards the Shinigami she had brought with her. "Ermm, he's someone I found outside your office, he was looking for you so I offered to bring him to you" Hinen responded before stepping aside so Sai could get a good look at the guy. [color=a187be][b]"I see. Well hello and welcome to Squad Thirteen! I'm Captain Yoshimasuto, you may call me Captain Yoshi, How may I help you Shinigami?"[/b][/color] Sai continued to smile warmly as she spoke to the newcomer.