Marga's face hardened at the clear mirth her answer was giving the Visipian. She wasn't surprised her intimidation tactics hadn't worked, but she was annoyed that she'd forgotten that Mez wasn't just any ordinary opponent - and that's what he was, [i]an opponent[/i], nothing else. Her feral remarks and predatory manner wouldn't really work on him, she realised. Not because he had nerves of fucking adamantium though - a trait she envied in him, not that she had never told him so for she feared his ego wouldn't fit inside any room ever again. Additionally, though he was a cocky git, he did have the skills to back up his words. If it came down to it right here, right now, with her handcuffed and weaponless, she wouldn't stand a chance. However the worse part of it was that Mez knew it. They'd done enough work together to know each other's weaknesses. Warily, she eyed the knife in his hands. She recognised the blade from their time together. He had used it to protect her in the past, when they were working together and traveling as lovers, but what about now? Would he plunge it into her chest at the slightest dappling of blue across her skin? "Oh, you're still hung up about that?" [@Kalas] That caused Marga to arch an eyebrow. The bastard even at the temerity to [i]smile[/i]. [i]Still hung up about that?![/i] Like it was every day she that a paramour of hers tried to strangle her as they were having - to be quite frank, surprising acrobatic and mind-blowing - sex. Then again, who knew, maybe it was a Visipian thing? Marga knew it wasn't, that it was because of her mostly dormant Thuboisii half, but that didn't make his betrayal any easier. The real kicker for her however was that, that day on some distant moon in another galaxy, when she was entangled in his arms, her skin had started to turn blue. There were few instances in her life when such an event had occurred and Marga didn't like to think about the reason for why it had turned blue around [i]Mez[/i]. She'd admitted to herself she had [i]feelings[/i] for him, but never delved into what exactly they were. Her blue colouring that day didn't leave much room for discussion on the matter however. But that had been a while ago now, practically ancient history. [i]Like the pyramids, baby.[/i] History she had buried in a dark corner of her mind and which she certainly didn't want to think about. "Figures, but I guess it was only a matter of time before you'd want to touch me again. If it's rough-housing you're interested in, though, I'm game for another round if you are?" [@Kalas] Marga let out a noise of indignation, then scoffed at his lewd suggestion. An idea struck her though. During their time together he had always been the jealous type - probably something to do with his sizeable ego. She'd already spotted his eyes roving over her toned limbs, so she knew [i]that[/i] part of him was still interested. Marga turned to Farvis, a man she had done business with before and spoke to him. [@TheUnknowable] [b]"Now that's an idea, Farvis," [/b]she smiled, letting it be known that she at least had some sort of previous relationship with the man, [b]"how about you and I spend some time together on one of the Askarian moons and have a little fun when all this is over? For old times sake." [/b]She winked suggestively and practically [i]purred[/i] her way through the sentence.