[@Phobos][@Kurisa] Being led outside, they looked at all the other possible recruits which made Aya tilt her head and giggle. [color=598527]"Man they waited so politely and we just went right in."[/color] She said giggling as the captain then gave everyone a speech before telling them to spar. Yet before she could go pick out someone, he gave both Shinzo and her specific choices. One was to spar with each other, so they didn't hurt anyone else which made Aya pout. [color=598527]"Not my fault i'm a stong girl."[/color] She mumbled as he then mentioned both of them sparring against him, a light shone in her eye as she looked at Shinzo. [color=598527]"Now I know we got a dispute, well more so you have one with me, but! We must let it drop for now, we must drop it long enough to wreck a captain. What do you say? Are we going to be tag partners for now?"[/color] Aya said holding her hand out grinning ear to ear.