Name: Layla "The Flower" Ginlio Gender: F Age: 11 House: Sorted into Gryffindor [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Pet: A barn owl called Tufty. Layla was gifted this by her mother (by continuous pestering) when she went got into Hogwarts. Strengths: -Quick to learn -Easy to make friends -High intellect -Amazing at playing Wizard Chess Weaknesses: -Can't take a joke -Doesn't like doing odd-jobs -Worries a lot -Grumpy when she wakes up Personality: [list] [*] Inspirational [*] Imaginative [*] Arrogant [*] Geeky [*] Ambitious [*] Compassionate [*] Selfish [/list] History: Layla was born to a Muggle mother, and a wizard father -- therefore making her a half-blood. Her father died in a freak accident when she was nine, and her mother has been finding it hard to raise her ever since; cue the magic powers. Layla started having, well, "strange" things happen to her at the age of three. Her father had taken away her toy broomstick and she was extremely angry, so she hid in the garden. She was hiding so well, that when she looked down at herself all she saw was the grass! Obviously she had accidentally made herself invisible (her mother and father couldn't find her for hours!). This was followed by a short run-in with Professor McGonagall who was severely impressed that Layla had managed to do fairly advanced magic for her age. NPCs: N/A