[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@AbigailTenshi] Zento could tell that the girl was not a talker. She would have much rather walked quietly than have a well drawn out conversation. Zento did not feel offended, despite the twinge of pain he felt when he could feel her distaste. Zento shrugged and listened to her answer his question. The Captains name was Yoshimasuto, he wondered if he could nickname her Yoshi, but it would be illogical to believe that she would like that, or already have it as a nickname. The rest of her explanation was useless and pretty stringy when it came to detail. Kind and good was used to describe someone when you did not really know them to well. It really did not matter, they were almost there, at least according to the girl. Zento was a little startled when the girl called out to the Captain. She had called her Yoshi, Zento sighed, he knew that he was not the only one who thought of such a nickname. He watched the Captain walk over with he usual straight and serious face. He did not pay attention the the greetings between the female and the Captain. The Captain then introduced herself, even through he already new her name, that might have sounded weird to someone else, that's why he did not tell her. "Nice to meet you Captain Yoshi, my name is Zento Ray, I have been directed, and chose to join Squad 13." He said to the Captain with feigned excitement. He meant no disrespect, he just wasn't and happy, bubblely guy.