[@Lord Santa] I'd dropkick that guy IRL. But it'd be funny to see a nihilist in hell, where the whole "religion is wrong" thing doesn't actually work. XD Also...why DID he save the girl? Seeing how his nihilistic views would be something like "she's going to die eventually regardless, so why bother?" Guess he must have stolen her phone though. Tsk tsk, shoulda gone for her wallet instead. Looks fine, otherwise. [@Crimmy] Accepted. Top-tier. 10/10. I'm glad I met someone like you before I died. [@Kanami] Oh, sup Sakuya. [@RoflsMazoy] I'm assuming that you're finished editting and his lack of hair/eye/skin color is intentional. If so...damn, all these whitewash jokes that can be made. XD It works though. Accepted. Guess I'll throw up an OOC later.