[@LokiLeo789] [color=a187be][i]'Another one?! Oh boy! It must be my lucky day'[/i][/color] Sai thought idly as she secretly analysed Zento's stance. He didn't seem excitable at all, if anything he seemed to be a little awkward, that or he must not of been the cheery type. None-the-less, Sai extended her right hand to offer Zento a hand shake, just as she would to any joining Shinigami. [color=a187be][b]"Ahh I see, well thank you for choosing my Squad. I hope life here will be to your liking"[/b][/color] Sai kept wearing her warm smile to try and make Zento fell welcomed, if Zento were to accept the hand shake, Sai would of released his hand at this point. [b][color=a187be]"Seeing as you've decided to join, I need for you to complete a task for me, the same one as those two over there"[/color][/b] She pointed her thumb towards Koyo-shi and Sotaro as they sparred before continuing to speak. [color=a187be][b]"I hope you wouldn't mind taking part in a spar with another member for me? For this spar, you will use a bokken, which is a wooden sword. I'd like to keep a hold of your sealed Zanpakuto to insure that you don't use it, this is just a precaution of mine. If you accept, Hinen will be your sparring partner as I have to keep watch of both you and those other two new recruits"[/b][/color] Sai explained, holding her right hand out with her palm facing upwards, ready to accept Zento's Zanpakuto. Hinen, on the other hand, jumped at the mention of her name. She wanted to reject and relax in her room until she had to visit Squad Four once again, but she knew that she was chosen only because she was the only other Shinigami within the area that was free. Instead of speaking her thoughts, Hinen bit her tounge and looked up at Sai's smile. [i]'Dammit, I guess I have no choice... I could use the practice though'[/i]