[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@AbigailTenshi] Zento felt a bit nervous standing in front of the Captain. She seemed to be observing him, he made sure to hide him noticing. He listened to her, keeping her expression neutral as she spoke. [i]If I last that long, to enjoy it at least.[/i] he thought to himself darkly. He had accepted the woman's hand shake and smiled back at her and returning her smile with one of his own. Unfortunately, his frown disappeared quickly when she already had a task for him to complete. That was quick, that was much clearer than he anticipated. [i]Spar?[/i] Zento thought to himself confused. He looked back at the girl that had led him here, he was not so sure she could handle a fight with him. He jerked his arm away for a third time as his Zanpakuto shocked him once again. He immediately understood what she meant, never underestimate the opponent. He knew that there was probably no refusing his Captain. He unclipped Kazuma from his hip and placed it in the open hand of Yoshi. "Careful, she's a feisty one, you might get shocked." He said sarcastically. "Alright, let's get started." He said with a smile, this time with real excitement.