[@Oblivion666] Shaking off a small bit of smoke from her palm she watched the larger man slide back, at least it had hit him like she intended though she wondered just for a moment what would have happened if she had used something dangerous. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Thanks, though I just couldn't help myself." [/b][/i][/color]She once again entered the same stance as before as Sotaro charged her but as the sweep attack came she fell right into the attack, only managing to lift up her sword for minor protecting but she still got batted away a good distance. Landing back onto her feet she rubbed her belly where much of the force had hit, only to look towards the captain who didn't seem like she was going to be calling the match off just yet. With a small grin Shi started to run towards Sotaro, her eyes cloaked in the shadow of her hair as she brought up her sword in front of her [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Hadō #32 - Ōkasen!"[/b][/i][/color] A dangerous Kido was fired from her sword, the blade of flame shooting out towards the other shinigami but it hit in front of him, kicking the dirt from the ground, a miss? Bringing her sword up to her shoulder she extended her hand, if what he said before was true he may not have known what it is she was doing. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!"[/b][/i][/color] Generating an orange-hued with spiraling yellow patterns ball Shi focused it into the tip of her fingers [color=fdc68a][b]"Bakudō #9 - Hōrin![/b][/color]" With that a tendril shot out and would come through the dust instead of her, moving much faster thanks to the full incantation, attempting to ensnare Sotaro and pull him towards her so she could try a follow up attack with her bokken.