Today they were full fledged shinigami. Zheng looked at his uniform with a great sense of pride and with a joy he could barely contain, he leaped up and pumped his fist into the air and shouted into the air. Oh what a great day it is to be alive! As of today he was truly a shinigami, along with his companion next to him. Kamon looked less than excited, indifferent was probably the best word to describe the emotionless being. Zheng rolled his eyes and pat the Mod Soul's back. [color=f26522]"Oh come on, this is a great day for us! You could at least smile!"[/color] He grinned widely with his pearly whites only to meet Kamon's emotionless stare. [color=2e3192]"As you wish Master."[/color] The mod soul smiled...or what seemed to be many cracks in a mirror. Smiling just wasn't one of his strong suits, among other social interactions and the like. More or less, his smile just made Zheng feel uneasy so he stopped, returning to his regular frown. [color=2e3192]"Anyway master, shall we enter the barracks?"[/color] [color=f26522]"You don't need to ask that."[/color] Zheng smirked and walked through the gates, entering the home base of the squad that dealt with special ops. ______________________ Masami just walked around the building aimlessly. The little tigress had tried to find the squad 13 captain, but she was nowhere to be seen. Others had given her directions though while they did have their best intentions they were uncomfortable with having a bipedal tiger walking around the barracks. She was used to this though. Many were had mistreated her due to her appearance so it wasn't new to her. While wandering and lost in thought she passed the captain without even noticing.