[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Cosplay Cafe || April 20 MON: After School[/h3] [color=violet]"Splendid! Please, allow me to escort you inside, master."[/color] Shizuka clasped her hands together with an upward curve upon her lips as Rui agreed to coming inside the cafe. Adjusting her hand back onto the rifle replica, the other pressed the glass door inward as a short, polite bow was given to the male student as a cue for him to enter. Upon entry, he was greeted by all of the staff, dressed in maid and butler clothes, with a [b][i]"Welcome home, master!"[/i][/b] Of course, just like the maid who had invited him inside, all of the waiters and waitresses had toy guns or replicas of their own, such as revolvers, pistols, and machine guns. To match the interior with the theme, the general appearance of the cafe gave a European aura with wooden tables and fanciful chairs, simple yet elegant wallpaper and curtains, brightly lit chandelier, and tea sets of high quality. [color=violet]"Master, please take your seat wherever it appeals to you."[/color] When the dark haired male settled down on a chair, Shizuka continued as she neatly placed the menu atop his table, [color=violet]"Here is our menu for the week in accordance to the current theme. Please notify me once you've selected your order. Excuse me."[/color] With another short bow, the blonde quickly leaves Rui's side and towards the counter area. If Shizuka were to take down orders with the rifle replica in her arms, it'd be a nuisance so she puts the strap from the rifle onto her shoulder, slinging it at her back. Reaching into the pocket of her apron, she picks out a notepad and a pen then patiently waits for the student's order.