[@LokiLeo789][@hatakekuro] Hinen gulped at the sound of Zento's excited tone, meanwhile Sai merely chuckled at the male's remark as he handed her his Zanpakuto. [b][color=a187be]"Heh, I'll keep that in mind"[/color][/b] She responded jokily, holding Zento's Zanpakuto in her right hand while the other two Zanpakutos were held securely under left arm. Turning towards Hinen, Sai's smile had grown a little at the sound of excitement from Zento. While her eyes were on Hinen, Sai had disappeared with a shunpo before reappeared a mere second later, holding two bokken in her right hand as she had added Zento's Zanpakuto to the other two in under her left arm. [b][color=a187be]"Here Hinen, take one to Zento and then you both can begin, don't forget to leave your Zanpakuto with me 'Kay?"[/color][/b] Hinen bit her bottom lip slightly nervously before looking around to see if anyone else could take her spot. [i]'Oh look a tiger.... WAIT WHAT?'[/i] Hinen had spotted a tiger wondering passed the group, something she had never seen before. Looking hurriedly to the Captain, Hinen pointed towards the Shinigami but made sure they wouldn't see her rude gesture. "E-Er C-Captain, there's someone ov-over there" Sai looked at Hinen with slightly raised eyebrows before looking in the direction Hinen was pointing. [color=a187be][i]'Another memb-Seriously my luck today! Soon enough I'll have doubled my Squad's size!'[/i] [b]"Actually on second thought, I believe I may have someone else new to spar with you Zento!"[/b][/color] Sai called to Zento before turning around towards the seemingly lost Shinigami after passing one of the two bokken to Hinen for her to give it to Zento. Strolling casually towards the lost Shinigami, Sai raised her right hand in a wave to catch their attention. [b][color=a187be]"Hi there, you appear to be lost. I'm the Captain of this Squad, Captain Yoshimasuto, you may call me Captain Yoshi if you wish to shorten my name. May I help you?"[/color][/b] Sai added her warm welcoming smile back onto her face for the forth time today, each and every time was genuine though, having new Shinigami choose to join her Squad instead of the other two needing members lifted her spirits quite high.