[@Oblivion666] Yeah that was a dumb move by her and her blank expression said it all as the palm slammed into her, sending her to the ground with a loud thump. Just because he couldn't do it didn't mean he didn't know about it, though maybe not its effects. [color=fdc68a][i][b]"Damn that hurt"[/b][/i][/color] She commented to herself before trying to recover this little failed stunt of hers by swinging the Hōrin like a whip to try and lock him down. However this time she did not fully expect it to work as either way it was a distraction for her to kneel up and finally use shunpo to close in for a real attack combo with the bokken! As before her style was very open, but given how defenseless she seemed it would have been clear to anyone use to combat that it was always a faint.