Felix frowned as the airlock status blinked up as active on his display. He hadn't given anyone permission to leave since the Gygan had almost forced her way out of the 'lock, and at least she'd asked for him to let her out, in her own way. For a moment he worried that the argumentative posturing he'd heard coming from the two who'd obviously been wanting to rip into each other from the moment their glowering eyes had met had taken their spat to the next level, but a quick check of the internal cameras confirmed the two were still in their seats hissing and growling each other like a pair of Coripas Oranguhogs. Stabbing a finger into the commlink he opened a channel. "Whoever just activated the airlock, report in immediately." Even as the words left his lips the pilot realised he was too late. Already a figure was moving off from the ship towards the looming hulk. [i]"The airlock is viable, pilot. Dock."[/i] [@Tenish the Mighty] Turning his attention away from the unauthorised space walk Felix checked his navigational sensors and saw the docking bay doors had opened, only to freeze up again with only a couple of meters clearance. "I know you all consider me a miracle worker of a pilot, but even I can't fit a ship this size through a gap like that!" He barked, still cooling from the misuse of the airlock and taking his stress out unfairly on the Gygan. So far she was the only one of the 'specialists' he was carrying who'd actually managed to achieve anything. With a deep sigh he let his temper calm before thumbing the mike on again. [b]"Look I'm sorry but I guess the dock's a no go. I'm going to try and bring the ship close enough to get a lock on the maintenance hatch with the umbilical. Anyone care to volunteer as my co-pilot?"[/b]