So, after spending [i]far[/i] too much time watching and reading this series recently, I've decided to create a roleplay focused entirely around the Science side (and probably going completely off the rails at some point with regards to plot). Because of the series as a whole, it's going to be largely incident based, so feel free to submit ideas for plots. There's a few caveats though: [list][*] Science side only, so Touma is automatically out because that drags the whole Magic side in. [*][i]Not[/i] including the city's Dark Side overtly, because of how that excludes characters (also because that keeps the problematic Level 5's the hell out of it... [*]Starts after Railgun S, before the plot causes everything to go haywire. [*]OC's and canon characters allowed.[/list] As for canon characters... whilst they're allowed, I'm going to be paying a bit more attention to them than OC's, because a lot of the possible exploits for their powers are already well known. [hr] More to come as I answer questions in this, I guess. XD