Name: Abigail Marx (Abby) Age: 85 (Changed at 21) Species: Werewolf Gender: Female Human Appearance:[img][/img] Standing 5'6, Abby's body is built for fighting and running long distances, her muscles lean and sinewy and yet defined and ready for expression at the slightest movement. Her dark chocolate hair is long and often times allowed to flow free around her torso. She wears no makeup and cares not for things that most women would, finding herself most happy in beast form as she runs the edge of the world and enjoys all that lives and breaths around her. She has a long scar that runs down her back from a hunter attack that occurred years ago during the great purge of 1800 and has multiple piercings and tattoos. She is the essence of free spirit in her appearance and persona. Beast Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Abby is warm and welcoming, a bit of a prankster, but someone filled with joy at another chance to live. She welcomes new members into their pack and plays mother far too often to the members and their families. She is quite withdrawn in terms of suitors, and would rather spend her time and focus on betterment and protection of the pack. She's loyal and often found listening rather than speaking, her own ideas being offered to the collective good instead of individualized recognition. Brief History: Abigail was born the daughter of a poor farmer, her mother dying in childbirth with her and leaving her to help the family make ends meet as the only girl amongst eight brothers. She was the youngest and yet grew up the quickest, her body nothing more than skin and bones because of the lack of food and her father's willingness to feed the boys first. They would protect the family and she would die if needed to ensure the betterment of her brothers. Never making friends or having childhood moments left her broken and sickly most days, the plague of 1766 attacking her with vengeance and leaving her with deteriorating health and ashen skin. Because of her condition, her father had two of her brother's take her to the forest to leave her to die, only to have the younger of the two promise to return for her that night, but that chance never came. As she lay dying in the forest a large wolf attacked her in her weaken state and she welcomed the warm reprieve of death only to have her last memory be of her being dragged off by the large black creature. Days later she awoke with a new body and a different life, her skin pure and replenished, her muscles reformed and health restored. A curse as it was meant turned into a new life for her, one that she was grateful for every moment after. She joined the Scotland pack with her mate just before the great purge of 1800 and in a moment of attack chose to protect Felix Allistor - the future of their pack instead of her beloved. She lost her mate, but made the conscious decision then to never look back, quickly moving her up to the second in charge with the most recent Alpha.