Penelope turned her head to watch him as he headed over to the tree. As suspected, she was still intent on doing her job, even if she did seem a bit distracted. She walked over and sat down besides him as he called her over. The knight shift into a more comfortable position with her back leaning against the trunk of the tree in a rather straight position. "Not right now..." she muttered and glanced down at him briefly. "I'm on duty...And I'm looking for someone." Her voice trailed off slightly as she scanned over the crowd once more before looking back to Crow. "Besides that I'm not all that interested in relaxing right now." Normally she may have went along with whatever he was doing, though this seemed a bit more than outrageous. A knight laying down with a thief in the shade. Surely something was bound to go wrong with that scenario and she surely didn't trust him enough to relax that much. So for now, she remained vigilant, perhaps not for danger or of Crow's movements but Penelope was at least very well aware of her surroundings.