[B]JOSHUA[/b] From the back of the gathered group, he heard a distinct low growl and he turned to look upon its source. Joshua's attention was drawn to the imposing figure of the masked one as he stepped from the shadows, the Hunter with the Mask posture conveyed an aire of arrogance, almost as if he was contemptuous of the others gathered in the hall. The man was also self-assured and self-confident as he strode boldly forward. The Hunter with the Mask line of questioning was quite intriguing as well and spoke perhaps that the man had himself experienced all the he was now questioning the others about, which of course raised the questions in his mind, [i]'How does the mask one know of what he speaks, no one has ever encountered the Shade and not walked away unscathed... was that the reason for the mask?, was it possible the masked one was a spy... had those of the Shade grown so bold as to send one of their into the midst of the very Castle itself?, but then again, if he be a spy, why flaunt the knowledge of possibly be touched by the darkness by his line of questions?'[/i] The Hunter with the Mask would be one that bared being watched indeed. Joshuas attention was forced away from the Hunter to the servant that had moments ago been at the Kings side, h e perked a brow as the servant spoke, thinking that one having the confidence of the King would of had a more respectful display of etiquette and proper manners. Joshua held up a hand and addressed the man, his smile belaying his intention, [i] "Forgive me young one, but have things come to such a low in the Kingdom, that a Servant of the King lacks the forethought to bow before a Lady and make proper introductions, before stating a request?, for instance, before bringing her before the King, it would be prudent to know the Ladys name so one would know how to address her before the King would it not?" [/i], it wasn't that he wanted to embarrass the man, but he also knew how the Elven valued the use of proper manners and the value of first impressions, if the Elves thought it important enough, and current events dire enough to send an envoy to meet the King, then it would be in the humans best interest to gain the Elves confidence, though he did realize at that the moment, none knew she was Elven.