Alexei Dragunov: April 19, Sunday | Warakuma Mall. After parting ways with the shy girl Alexei made his way to his sister. It wasn't hard to find her in the crowded stall since her height and his viewing angle were much different than the others. Sorting out a few things that she had intented to buy, they made their way to the counter and made the pay out. The cashier handed her another bag and called it complimentory so Alexei left it at that. The smile on his baby sister's face was enough to allay any queries he may have had on the sudden gift. After getting a few sandpapers and few other supplies from the hardware store they went home. The spree had cost him about hundred thousand yen but he'd put it down as a time well spent. Elena on the other hand was extremely happy with her purchase of the day. They were all set for golden week now. His knives were getting dull and with his obstinate nature to cook for his sister he needed them in peak condition. He immediately got to work as they got home. Affixing the rougher sandpaper on the makeshift block he had made himself. The Yamagiba and Deba were his primary ones so they needed to be frighteningly sharp. The Usuba could be done later. Elena on the other hand got busy with adjusting the clothes and ironing the ones that were washed. Usually, her brother won't let her do household chores his reasoning being the time just interrupted her study time. But she had finished all the school work the day before and the extra reading was finished in the morning so she could manage helping him out even if he'd object. The day ended smoothly as they ate dinner with their mother at the hospital and also showed her the gown and the swimwear they got her for their probable visit to the beach. --- April 20 | After School. The day dragged on, the classes were over. Inoue had stuff to do at home and Sagat didn't seem interested in practice so they decided to let it go. They also needed to talk with the Judo club to lend some of their used mats. Alexei's takedowns were a bit hard and though he was careful while handling Inoue, the latter still felt the hit when she got grappled. Some extra cushioning won't hurt. Already there were a few bruises on her fair skin from the usual assault she was under whenever she sparred with these two. The guys at the dojo seemed to meek to go hard on her. Maybe they feared her trainer or just thought that she wasn't strong enough to take their hits. But she could vouch for the fact that Sagat's half serious kick was still in a different league altogether. Alexei picked up his bag and decided to go check Manga club, maybe Akane would still be there. She usually hangs out alone. As he walked up to the club, he opened the room to find only her inside, playing on her DS. [color=ed1c24]"Oy! your roster shows much more people than they are always in here."[/color] he said in a joking tone. Dropping the bag on a nearby table. [color=ed1c24]"By the way, what did you think about MMA club, would you join?"[/color] he asked to her curiously. [color=ed1c24]"And, do you need any help with betas or backgrounds? I do a good job on those."[/color] he offered.