[u]Libris[/u] - [i]The Confused Templar[/i] Libris had no idea where the hell she was or why they was someone on top of her. Did she skip a few important steps in relationship building? The last thing she remember was going to Japan on a family business trip and bringing her laptop along so she could play Elder Tales. All she remembered was that she fell asleep after going to a hot spring. When she woke up she had looked into the the iconic buildings of Akihabara in decay, over grown with shrubs and in ruins. Birds squawked over head as the Guild Hall could be seen not to far although dwarfed by the some of the other, much taller ruins. Looking around, she saw the road she was on full of people in fantasy armors, some crying, some fighting with each other, all in the same spot she was in. Trapped in a game they once played. Looking down, she saw that she was wearing the same armor from Elder Tales, the . Gotten as a reward from the event, it had beautifully combined a regal plate chest piece with a pretty, yet comfortable skirt with lace around the bottom. [i]This sounds like the setting of a bad shounen anime.[/i] Libris whispered to herself, as she and through the streets, the world feeling much more alive than the pixels on her screen ever felt. The winds breezed through her hair as the warmth of the sun met her face. She walked around the city, through alleys and ruins, ignorant to the fact she was trapped inside a game. A though popped into her head as she stopped there the giant tree that still had bounties and NPC quests tacked to it. She raised a hand and swiped down; sure enough, there was a menu that appeared. It listed everything from the game, equipment, spells, skills, current status, all there. "Oooooh, it does work like that," Libris smiled slightly as she looked into the menu. All of her things were here for the most part; her sword, her wealth, several unorganized potions, a few miscellaneous crafting and food bits, her armored horse whistle, "Seems like everything is here. Wait... dammit my shield isn't." The blond suddenly remember how she had given it to a friend to reforge it. Given her current location, her shield was a good ten thousand miles away from her, give or take a bit. This was very problematic as without a shield, she was more or less useless. Paladins played like a healing tank, making great at defending. Unfortunately, they aren't the most offensive-based class. The fact Libris also based her entire set up around that idea was going to make not having a shield only worse. Closing the window, she sighed and drew her sword and pointed it towards the sky, aiming at the birds as if it was a gun. The effects where clearly enough to be considered real, the shadows were even so real that it looked like a bird was coming towards her. "Wait. That's not sup-" in a blink of an eye, Libris was now on the ground with what she was just another black blob in the sky now on top of her. [u]Yang-C [/u]- [i]The Youxia who came from the Sky[/i] Yang picked himself up, even if he didn't take too much damage from the fall from the sky he had, it sill hurt like hell. "I don't remember it hurting this much in the game." he rubbed his arms before looking down. His face went from buttercup to red rose in .03 seconds flat. The way he landed made it look like he was mounting the fair-skinned girl for less-than-honorable acts, with his knee between her legs. [i]WAS THE PSYCHICS ENGINE ALWAYS THIS FUCKED UP?[/i] Yang internally yelled as jumped back. He had mounted his girlfriend before, but doing it with some random girl in armor wasn't in his list of interests. He lept back and apologized profusely. "Whose there?" the girl got up in an almost sleepy manner and rubbed her eyes. [i]Dammit, she's my type of foreigner too...[/i] Yang contemplated as he heard a new voice. "hey you two you guys know whats exactly going on?" a white-tailed fox lady strolled over and asked. "Umm... no." Yang got up, his face returning to normal, "I have no idea what's going on. Last I remember, I was worrying about a English test. I take a nap, I end up in the Beijing Hub City, then dragged into a Fairy Portal and I'm now here. Where am I even?" "I am just as clueless as my Liege." Libris stood up and apologically bowed. "Wait, when did I become a Liege?" Yang turned to the girl in heavy armor, "I don't even know you." "Please, call me Libris. I'm a Paladin who will be your bodyguard from now on." Libris bowed to a shocked Yang. Yang sighed as he ignored the strange girl he accidentally mounted and turned to the foxtail, "I'm Yang-C. I've been playing for most of my life. Most people call me Yang or [i]Laoshi[/i]." He had a secret feeling that this would be the start of one hell of a roller coaster.