Plots ideas: This post will be edited/added to as I think of ideas. -Space pirates After years of working together as members of the same crew, two pirates decide to branch out on their own. After obtaining a ship through less-than-legal means, they set out on their maiden voyage. However, things go awry when they are pursued by bounty hunters and crash land on an unknown planet. They survive the crash relatively unscathed, only to find the bounty hunters are still after them. With their ship unsalvageable, they must survive on this foreign world and defeat the bounty hunters in order to steal their vessel and escape the planet. -Thief x Knight A vagrant thief is wandering along a country road, making his/her way from one town to the next when they hear a scuffle ahead. None too eager to get involved, they hide and wait for the sounds of sword against sword to die down. Coming out from their hiding place, the thief is just in time to see a group of horsemen making haste away from the scene. They carry on their way, glad to be unscathed, in the opposite direction of the horsemen, only to stumble across the aftermath of the battle. Half a dozen corpses lie scattered on the rode. It appears to be a nobleman and his guards, all freshly murdered. Seeing, quite literally, a golden opportunity, the thief begins to search the scene (including the bodies) for anything of value. This turns out to be a mistake, though, when the thief discovers a knight still alive and very displeased to meet this looter. Despite his moral objections, the knight is forced to collaborate with the thief, since they are the only other living witness.