[h3][color=9e0b0f][u][b]Miss Shard[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [@Raijinslayer] Miss Shard sighed looking over the girl Revan had mentioned. "Ive been busy with lesson plans all day. I hate being couped up, but....it's a neccassary evil" Miss Sahrd explained. She crossed her arms, and kept her eyes on the dance floor. Miss Shard looked over the girl dancing. The confidence fit her well, but Miss Shard assumed that was just the posseser. "I haven't met with them yet, so no I haven't speaking of which I would like for you to be there for at least the first meeting. A little intimidation isn't always a bad thing just incase any students decide they need to show off to much" Miss Shard joked. [h3][color=a2d39c][u][b]Winifer[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [url=http://youtu.be/givzMxGKZps]How the Mighty Fall - Fall Out Boy[/url] 'Kikka seriously people are looking at us' Winifer complained. It was true her dancing had attracted some attention from boys and a few girls. 'Good' Kikka replied. 'you know what Winifer how about we get even more attention' Kikka suggested with a laugh. Winifer walked up to the stage, and got the singer to come over to the side as the song ended. Winifer spoke a few words to the guy and jumped up on stage. The guy handed her the mike. Winifer nodded to the guitar player and the band started up again. The music played roughly creating a rebellious feel. "Oh god....shout out...fall out boy" Winifer spoke to the opener of the song. The change in singer caught the attention if a few, but not all. "Di-di-did you trip down tweleve steps in the Malibu-ooh-ooh" Winifer sang walking closer to the edge of the stage. As Winifer sang she gripped tightly to the microphone, her shoulders back, and her voice like a siren. [h3][u][b][color=9e0039]Jessie[/color][/b][/u][/h3] [@TheDarkTemplar] Jessie didn't quite like the way Aaron left so quickly. She wanted him around the minuet he left, but Jessie soon shook off the feeling. 'Silly fantasy Jessie just have fun. Woo just have fun' Jessie told herself as she shook off the feeling. "So Kate I'm thinking we hit the dance floor" Jessie suggested. She was looking around checking out a few guys when the song changed. Jessie noticed a new singer, and looked up to the stage. Jessie smiled. The girl new how to work a mike. jessie nodded her head to the song starting to do little dances before they had even hit the dance floor.