[hider=Without Mask] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e8/44/99/e844998e032dabd95894dad7034b821e.jpg[/img] [/hider] [Hider=”Healthy”] [img] http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y232/Kane702/Art/Chow102_Nyx702.jpg [/img] [/hider] [Hider=Helmet] [Img] https://pinturaedesign.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/3efd81f2b9ce788d5c16f799baf36ef9.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Dr. Vonsuer (VON-SUE-R)Galen Treores (TRAE-OR-ES) Gender: Male Age: 36 Appearance: Pale, and rather emaciated but shockingly wiry, though most of his strength comes from his cybernetics Bio: When one has enough stomach to approach the thing that calls itself a doctor and ask “What’s your story?” or even “Where are you from?” said individual is left with “You can only imagine the hell I live.” To the doctor every scar, wound and slight he is dealt is just another layer of tissue to help cover the stain of his past and a form of revenge for his victims. In his youth Treores was stationed on a budding planet ready to start its journey of colonization and serve humanity. Unknown to the rest of the colony they were all lab rats to test the possible medicines and poisons that could be made from the alien organisms (as in flora,fauna and bacteria, no full blown life forms) found about on the new world. At first the doctor loved his work the possibility of the good he COULD have done was exponential in his mind! Time and time again he synthesized many plants, spliced many genes and nearly every time the results were never known to Treores as men would always arrive at the laboratory and claim his finds stating "You have done well Doctor, you've made a lot of people very happy, keep helping us do our good work!" Unfortunately the Carseti's did put the doctors virulent poisons, chemical weapons and diseases to their version of "good use." It was only after Treores was invited to see his mysterious employer was he revealed the truth. Only Treores knows of what was said that day but what is known is that the Doctor was given a choice he could continue his work for the carseti or they would release a cocktail they had designed from some of Treores's deadliest strains of disease. The Doctor was convinced he lost his humanity long ago but what he did next was appalling, he told the Carseti he would help them only if he could personally exterminate the population of the planet, the Carseti's agreed that this would be the perfect initiation and began to land in Treores compound, Treores knew that recently the carsetis had already poisoned the planets water supplies and infected the population with an insidious death sentence and so Doctor Treores took the helm and sent the carseti's ship hurtling into his labs to release his work into the air and give his people a mercy killing since their was virtually no way to cure the entire planet in time. The doctor was ready to accept his fate when his employer raced for the escape pods, Treores may have been the unknowing perpetraitor of this crim but if his employer were to live he would cause even more strife then Treores had and so it was with a heavy,bitter heart Treores delayed his suicide and escaped to the planet below. It is his sorrow and hate for both himself and the Carseti's that have helped keep Treores alive if one could call his pockmarked, rotting state living, though his search still continues the Doctor uses his many concotions to bring suffering to those who seek the suffering of the innocent but he has saved the greatest of his concoctions for the two men who were the cause of his suffering. (Himself and the head of the Carseti family) Theme Song: (in progress)