[center][h3]Warakuma Mall - Cosplay Cafe 20/4/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] The interior was as he had expected, it was maids after all, despite the also-guns theme. In any case he was seated at a table, and considering this place was new... Everything was quite well-kept, and there were very few customers. That should change if they do things right though. As he was seated, he was given the menu, and he took some time to read it... There were a few new dishes to promote the new theme, it also said that these are limited time and are only for the particular theme. The rest were the cafe's standard... What should he order...? > Hamburger with chips 900 yen > The Bunker Buster Cake Special 1200 yen > I'll have you (Courage +) [b]> I'll have y-[/b] Knowing these cafes they probably actually were prepared for these responses and make you pay exorbitant amounts for it... Rui thought again, and considered there was enough weird for today already. He went with the Bunker Buster Cake, and a side of TaP Soda. It looked interesting. [b]> Bunker Buster Cake Special[/b] [color=slategray]"I'll have the Bunker Buster Cake, and a TaP Soda please"[/color], he answered, after what seemed like a few seconds.