[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Cosplay Cafe || April 20 MON: After School[/h3] When the customer seemed to have made up his mind on his choice, Shizuka returns to his side with her trusty pen and notepad on hand. [color=violet]"So that'll be one order of Bunker Buster Cake Special and one order of TaP Soda. Please await for your orders while we prepare them for serving. Excuse me."[/color] As she finished scribbling the orders onto the notepad, the waitress bowed once again before leaving the table to hand the paper of orders onto the pick-up counter. Since they were not too difficult of an order, the cake already been baked and just needs to be sliced and decoration final touches, they were to be served in a short while. While preparations were being made in the kitchen, Shizuka took upon herself to entertain the male student as she was hired to do but in her case, being able to freely talk about her interests was rewarding enough. [color=violet]"Greetings again, master! How do you like the cafe so far? Is it comfortable and pleasing to you?"[/color] She paused to let the other respond first before continuing, [color=violet]"Do you happen to have any interest in anime or manga? I mean I suppose even people who don't associate themselves with such could still appreciate cafes such as this."[/color] Since she usually wasn't as chatty out of her peers or people of similar interest, Shizuka wasn't too accustomed to starting interesting conversations with strangers. Hopefully working in this sort of environment could help her earn experience to socialize more.