Sara continued to speak with the nurse beside her as she assured that she was prepared for the surgery, the woman beneath her thrashing back and forth. Where Sara was quite caring, she had very little patience for movement that might put someone at a greater risk. Her job wasn't to comfort those on her table, but to save their lives and she worked hard every moment she was in her scrubs to ensure that regardless of what was asked of her or the challenge presented - she brought her A game. She'd yet to loose a patient after returning to the hospital, but she knew in her heart of hearts that her desire to save everyone was simply a byproduct of the guilt of not saving Matthew. She looked up at the nurse and growled a little, the look on her lovely face was one that few people ignored. "Get another surgeon in here and tighten down the straps on her arms." No sooner that she'd spoken did another surgeon walk in, one she was not expecting, nor would she have chosen. Kelly was as brilliant as she and quite a god in the OR, but his acknowledgment of his gifts and forever-expanding ego left her deflated in wanting to know him better. She looked up and nodded at his words, the woman beneath her calming a bit as the ice was brought in and repositioned around various pressure points on the woman's body. The OR was a buzz with activity and yet Sara was right in the zone for what needed to be done. She glanced up at Kelly and let her eyes touch his, the rest of her face covered in a small blue mask. "Hello, Dr. Scott. I should say the same of the ice and your soothing singing abilities." She couldn't help but grin a little before continuing on, the small mask shifting slightly as she moved toward the head of the patient. "I'm going to let you watch her pressure and heart beat as I assess the trauma to her head. Once we stabilize her we'll put her under and move into surgery. The team before us brought her back from the code blue and now we'll need to alleviate the pressure on her brain and determine what to do once we get in there. Thank you for joining me." She turned her attention to the young woman, her fingers moving softly along the scalp as her eyes followed a large black bruise, the damage obviously enough to cause the woman's heart to stop and yet she seemed to respond to the calming soft singing coming from Dr. Scott. Interesting. Sara looked up at the monitor beside her before nodding at the nurse who was starting to administer anesthesia. "Miss Kristy, you'll start to feel sleepy. Just relax yourself into it and when you wake up I'll be right here and we'll have Dr. Scott sing a bit more to you." She leaned over to make sure the woman was still cognizant and watched as sleep took her. "We're in go... saw."