Well well well! I'm not saying you can't make a 4th year, [@ScorpionLantern], just saying it would be [I]advisable[/I] to make a 6th year, prior to the fact that we are all mostly in 6th year. And [@The Muse of Eru], you may age your character if you wish to do so. Also, here is the name and picture of the Headmistress, who I will be portraying! I have decided to not do things like bio and personality just so people can discover that in-game. Name: Gwendolyn Ezalia "Professor Ezalia to you boy!" Appearance: [img]http://www.virginmedia.com/images/witches-bellatrix-590x350.jpg[/img] [b]Edit:[/b] *facepalm* Typed "Harry Potter witch" in search bar. Did NOT realise that is Bellatrix from the movies, I swear.