Name: Happy Golucky Gender: Male Age: 18 Race: Earth Pony Description: Happy Golucky has a tall athletic physique, and as expected of an Earth Pony, is quite strong. He has a Crimson colored coat that is smooth and soft to the touch. His mane is messy and fairly short, with the bangs only reaching to his eyebrows, and the back part reaching to the beginning of his neck. Both his mane, and his medium length tail are black. His eyes are big and round. Their color being a light shade of blue, and they have a sparkle which conveys his cheery nature. His face has a youthful look to it, which is helped by the constant smile he always seems to have. His cutie mark is a picture of a slice of chocolate cake with pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles. The cake is made up of three layers, each are different shades chocolate brown. The mark represents his baking skill, but it could also represent his sweet personality. [img][/img] (Can't find a Cutie mark I like...) Personality: As his name would suggest, Happy is a bright, cheerful pony, with an optimistic view on life. He can often be found with a smile on his face, even when things look bleak. He can't stand to see another pony sad, so he tries his best to help them out however he can. He believes there is some good in everypony, and for that, he is very trusting of others. A genuine nice pony, he is always willing to help somepony in need. Often putting the needs of others ahead of his own. Sometimes though, he can be too nice, to the point of gullibility, and people often take advantage of him for it. Happy is very outgoing and social. He likes meeting new ponies, and making new friends. He is not afraid to strike up a conversation with a random stranger. Being used to having to watch over his little sisters, he's become accustomed to taking care of people. He is loyal, empathetic, and very protective of those he cares about, making him a good friend to have. Happy is very energetic, some would say hyperactive even. So much so, that it is very difficult for him to sit still and concentrate on one thing for long periods of time. Because of this, he likes to actually do stuff, instead of sitting there reading about it. While he is able to think quick on his hooves during intense situations. he often acts impulsively, and jumps to conclusions without thinking first. Happy is the type of stallion who wears his heart on his sleeve, His feelings are there for everyone to see, and he's pretty easy to read. For example he cries openly when something upsets him, and he is affectionate towards close friends. Due to his cheerful nature, it is usually difficult to anger him. However, it's not like he's happy all the time, and he is prone to having a bad day once in a while. When he is pushed too far, he has really bad angry outbursts where he just lashes out at the appropriate target. That said, Happy isn't one to hold grudges for very long, and is very quick to forgive people. Happy has an affinity for cute things, as well as other things most would consider fillyish, and he is not ashamed about it at all. He has a good sense of humor about the whole thing, however, he does get defensive if someone makes fun of him for it. He's had bad experiences with bullies as a colt, and he fears having to experience that again. He also likes fantasy and fairy tales, and he developed most of his idealistic beliefs from them. He can also cook well, due to having to make dinner for the family when his mom was working. He particularly enjoys making and eating sweets and desserts. Though, he tries to keep it in moderation. Background: Happy was born in Manehattan. He was the oldest of three siblings, and the only male among the three. His parents' relationship became strained after his father lost his job shortly after the youngest daughter was born, and the family started experiencing financial troubles. It was not helped his father turning to Cider to drown his sorrows, which worried the rest of the family. He and his wife often argued loudly during the night. While things never escalated to physical violence, but the yelling still made the three foals uncomfortable. Despite the drama, Happy tried to put on a brave face, and hoped things would work out in the end. Eventually, his mother got a promotion at her job that made up for the loss of income, but by then, the damage was done, and his father filed for divorce. Happy currently lives with his mom, and his younger sisters. He is much closer to his mother than with his father. They were not wealthy, but they weren't poor either. Being a single parent, his mom often had to work long hours, leaving Happy responsible for looking after his sisters, and taking care of household things while she worked. Unlike a lot of other Colts though, Happy didn't really mind this, and actually enjoyed doing it. As a result of this, he became accustomed to taking care of people. He also learned a lot of domestic skills, and became very good at cooking. He earned his Cutie Mark when he baked an elaborate cake for his sister's birthday party all by himself. All the guests loved it, and Happy loved making it as much as he did eating it. He was a rather scrawny colt, and he was often picked on by bullies who thought he was weaker than them. It did not help that he was a sensitive foal, and he had a taste for things that are usually considered fillyish by others. He would come home with bruises on a regular basis. His father did not help matters by suggesting that living in a house full of Mares was turning him into one. While all the bullying upset him, he kept up a cherful demeanor in front of others, not wanting to burden others with his problems. He believed that if he thinks positively, things would get better. Around the time Happy started growing into a stallion, things started to change. His mother announced that her business was transferring her to their new branch in Ponyville, and that the family would be moving there. His situation began to improve when he started High School. Deciding that he no longer wanted to be a wimp, and a constant bullying victim, he started working out and getting into sports, which resulted in him putting on a little muscle, and making new friends. Due to his social personality and the fact that he regularly brought in desserts to share with his fellow ponies, he quickly became quite popular on campus. Particularly with other mares. He also maintained good grades. Things were actually starting to look up. Despite how well things were going, he didn't let it get to his head. He still remained the same sensitive foal he always was on the inside. After he finished school, Happy tried to figure out what to do with his life. He had heard about the Equestrian explorers league, and decided to volunteer because it exploring the lands beyond Equestria sounded like an awesome adventure. Skills Athleticism: As expected of an Earth pony, Happy Golucky is quite strong. It's most apparent when he tries to hug you, and almost squeezes the life out of you. He's also fast and nimble on the ground, being able to gallop quickly, and jump high. He's not a master in hoof-to-hoof combat, but If he ever had to fight someone, he could handle himself well. Cooking: Happy's talent is cooking. He can whip up all kinds of delicious sweets and pastries, which he often does to cheer people up. He can also cook foods that aren't desserts, but those are his favorites