Lunch was different, but a good sort of different. Ricki found herself sitting with Maureen and Krista at their normal table, and though it didn't stop the glares from the cheerleader table, she paid it no mind. Maureen smiled a bit. "So, I set up our nail appointments." Maureen beamed, and Krista smiled. "And I have different options for hairstyles for each of us." Krista said, opening an album on her phone as they looked to Ricki who nodded. "Andy and Darren are cleaning up the yard for pictures, and the boutineers are in my freezer." She said, and they nodded. "So, we're pretty well set. My mom said she'd help is with our hair and stuff." Krista smiled a bit and looked over to the hockey table. "So, are you going to give Gabe a chance?" She asked, and she gave a nod. Maureen seemed more than pleased which caused Ricki to sigh. "A chance. You know it's hard for me after the last time." Ricki said, and Krista nodded. "But, anyway, so I have another, kinda small thing." "What?" Krista asked. "I invited Jared and Heather for pictures." She said, and her friends looked at her. "So play nice, please? I did it simply since we're likely going to be seeing more of her. Especially since She and Jared are a thing and Maureen here is dating his best friend." Maureen and Krista both fixed her with looks. "Babe, we know you're trying to be the bigger person, but are you sure about this?" Krista asked. Maureen nodded. "You are definitely in the running for a saint." Ricki looked at them. "Friends close, enemies closer. Since she can't get over the thing with David, I guess we'll always be at ends." She pointed out and they nodded. "So true." Krista said, turning slightly to see the hockey team sitting together. "Now isn't that a sight for sore eyes, the hockey team is sitting together." Ricki shrugged. "Well, I guess hell is freezing over because I'm in the cafeteria for once too." They all laughed and Krista nodded. "Anyway, let's talk hair. Maureen, you [I]have[/I] to wear yours up, it looks great that way." -- Wednesday came, after dinner over at Gabe's, Ricki felt a little better about going with Gabe, and after school She was at the art club meeting. She had to go to the photography lab and on her way back, She passed the A/V lab. She chuckled a bit at the site inside, but she headed down to the art room, but Dancy was looking for her. "Ricki!" He called, and she rose a brow. "Here are the pictures I have of the backdrops, and the ones we need to finish the props." She said, and he nodded. "Good, Good, hey I wanted to ask a favor." He said, and Ricki nodded as they walked towards the art room. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Well, you know how for home games in football season we had that banner for them? With hockey getting as big as it is, do you think you can paint a banner up before the next home game?" He asked. "Kind of like our contribution." Dancy, though the art teacher, was big into sports, so it didn't come as a her. "I can try." She said, and he nodded, "Can I have class time to work on it." "Sure." He said. -- Once Thursday came around, Ricki was almost certain Heather wasn't going for the whole photo thing, but as she headed to English, Heather found her. "Hey, Ricki." She greeted and Ricki nodded. "So, does around 6 sound good?" Ricki nodded. "Yeah, see you guys then." She said, but before she could walk off She stopped. "Oh, and I'll have some prints for you Monday, so if you wanted some edited I can get them to you." Heather nodded, and Ricki entered the English room and Gabe slid into the seat her. "Hey." He said, and she smiled. "Hey. So, 5:45? I want to get through the corsage thing before everyone else gets there. You know? Since Darren will be taking the pictures for us." She said, and he.nodded. "Alrighty, I'll be there." He said, and Ricki nodded a bit and she pulled out her phone and Texted Krista. [I]So, Voss is coming. Remember play nice.[/I] She got back a short response, and Ricki Sat through the entire day, glad once school was out She was glad to get to the nail appointments. Maureen and Krista relaxed with her. "So, are you ready for tomorrow?" Krista asked and Ricki nodded. "Are you?" She asked.and.Maureen smiled. "You know she is, She got her wax on yesterday." Maureen said and Krista blushed. "Hey, this is Tyler Rockett were talking about. I have to bring my A game. What about you, Ricki?" She asked. "Well, we'll just have to see where things go." She said, and Maureen smiled. "So, where's the.after party?" She asked and Krista smiled. "Well, I know my house isn't as big as Ricki or Gabe's, but my parents are heading up state with Paul to look at colleges, so the house is.all ours." Krista said. "Fuck yeah!" Maureen smiled. "Well, everything is settled then." Ricki said. "Now let's just hope my dad behaves." -- Friday after school was crazy. Ricki got home and immediately a.bath, shaving her legs and other essentials, and the second she got out of the bath, Krista, Maureen, and her mother Were running around like.mad.women. Ricki, sitting in her silk robe, messed with her camera while her mother curled her hair and Krista managed to get Maureen's hair done. "I am glad you were blessed with my hair." Her.mother said, and Once Ricki was satisfied with her camera, she began applying her.make.up. After a blur of Dresses getting pulled on, make up being perfected, and jewelry being clasped on, it was nearing time for everyone to get there. Ricki slipped into her black pumps and headed down stairs, her camera in one hand and her clutch in the other. She had heard vehicle pull into the driveway, and she looked to the clock. 5:43. She checked herself over in the mirror. She thought she looked alright, and she headed out front and saw Heather and Jared there. She went to head back in, but Darren followed her out. "So, when's Gabe getting here?" He asked, and she looked to the watch on his wrist. "Anytime now." She said, and Darren threw his arm over her. "Well then, let's go greet your guests." He said, and.Darren took the camera from her and took a picture of their dad and Jared under the hood of his car. "Hi." Ricki said, and when Heather looked at her she gave a smile. "We're doing pictures around back when you guys are ready to head that way." She said, and Gabe pulled up not long after. Ricki smiled a bit, a more relaxed smile than the one she had given Heather. "Finally!" Darren exclaimed when Gabe Got out and had a small plastic case in his hand. "Come on you two." Ricki waited for Gabe and she walked with him. "Looking sharp." She complimented, and Gabe gave a grin. "This is definitely your color." He said, and Once they headed around back and got their pictures done, Ricki looked up into Gabe's eyes. The corsage was not what she.expected. A daffodil with a perfectly toned rose. She pinned on his boutineer and spoke. "How'd you know about the.daffodil?" She asked. "Krista." He answered, and soon everyone was coming into the backyard and Ricki took her camera and Gabe walked with her to where Darren had been standing. "Alright. I'm starting with couples and then we'll do group photos." She.told them as she began her work.