[quote=@Primal Conundrum]I think I'd want the original races to be run past me first, but I'm certainly open to them. I'm almost considering having one character be the boat itself, basically one of those Anchor Spirits from the article that I linked higher up. Boat has no actual pilot at the wheel, the boat steers itself. Sometimes it's even kind enough to tell the crew where they're going. [/quote] Of course. I can send some blurbs on them via PM in a little bit. Ah, interesting idea. Somewhat reminiscent of the King of Red Lions from the Zelda [i]Wind Waker[/i] game? I haven't played, but it was what first came to mind (also Farscape, sorta). If that's the case, probably don't need a bosun then, unless he's some dedicated caretaker and gofer or something. Doctor's still an option. Some kind of fussy dwarven merchant also amuses me. But I'm not settled on any specific character idea yet.