Kis glanced around the alley corner into the main street as she quickly wiped the blood from her blade. She hated coming into town, much preferring the wild places in the forests where her senses were sharpest, but at time like these the trip was unavoidable. With the tip of her boot she rolled the mugger over in the gutter before leaning down and quickly running her hand over his ragged clothes. She'd known as soon as he'd tried stopping her two streets back that his intentions were impure, and as he'd corralled her into the dark passage between the buildings she'd read the smugness he'd had at his own ingenuity. If only he'd had the foresight to check on his friends before leading her into the trap, perhaps he wouldn't have been so surprised to find them with their throat already cut. The search was almost fruitless, Kis's fingers only managing to locate a light purse with a couple of coins and a short, stubby dagger which looked as though it had been crafted from the broken remains of a much larger blade. With a sigh she emptied the coins into her own purse and tossed the dagger into her satchel. Perhaps she'd be able to trade it for something, or use it as part of an animal trap next time she went hunting. Pulling her cloak up over her head Kis blended into the crowd as she made her way towards the guild hall. She was already late for her appointment after her little detour, but at least the men had been rewarded for their intentions. It didn't take long to reach her destination and with a quick, practiced flick of her wrists she removed her cloak and folded it up into her bag before stepping through the doorway into the noisy arena of machismo. As she wove her way through the army of adventurers, all of whom were either seeking new quests and missions to test their mettle or claiming their rewards for tasks completed, Kismet carefully eyed up her competition. Officially she wasn't a member of any guild, but most of the townships agreed that her talent for locating new portals and the aid she gave to newcomers to the realm made up for any lack of official standing, and for some of the guildmembers this agreement spat in the face of the years of hard work and training they'd endured before earning their place on the roster. Luckily it seemed that most of her naysayers where out of town, hopefully dying in some ill-begotten dungeon somewhere, and all that greeted her were the friendly nods and waves of adventurers she'd worked happily with in the past, some of whom may not have survived their first night in Mym had it not been for her assistance. Sharing their greetings as she went Kis made her way up the stairs to the upper floor before turning down the corridor towards the guild's library. She rarely used the room herself, apart from researching the odd potion or handing in a newly revised map, but for some the chamber was home away from home, especially the magic users who seemed to colonise the place on a semi-permanent basis. Wondering how the party's newest paymaster had been received when they'd told the squatters that the room had been hired for a private function Kis stepped through the door and quietly slipped into the back of the meeting, hoping her late arrival wouldn't cause too much of a disturbance.