[@Kurisa][@Phobos] Blocking her second ball her eyes showed amazement before Shinzo hado and her shrapnel attacked him, which sent off an explosion causing her to grin. [color=598527]"Hell yeah rekt a capt- Wait what tHE FUCK!?!"[/color] Aya shouted as a tornado formed out of nowhere. Before Aya could run away from it, it sucked her right in, spinning her around plus the metal balls which at one point bashed right off her skull. Which made her thank the gods her skin was literally steel at that point. She got sent flying and as she reverted back to her regular self she looked behind her to see Shinzo which made her grin. [color=598527]"Sup?"[/color] She said grinning as she crashed into him, ended up laying down on him sideways as she rubbed her head. [color=598527]"Well, this time I'm laying on you, not sitting."[/color] The captain then gave them praise which made her smile. [color=598527]"Neat, but I think I'm going to call it quits. I nearly just took my own head off with my own attack."[/color] She said still laying on Shinzo. --- [@Kitsune] (Abi gave me permission) As their clash continued his look became one that was absorbed in the fight, and would have kept going yet the captain would then tell them to stop, this would make him cease all attack and nod at Koyo-shi before standing up straight. He would hand the bokken back to the captain as she came over, giving them praise with a well done as she handed back their zanpakutos and told them they were members of the squad. [color=0072bc]"Thank you captain, but if you wouldn't mind I would like your assistance on something, yet shall wait until they take their test as well."[/color] Sotaro stated as he sat down with his zanpakuto where he would then begin to mediate.