Revan "You know I've a talent with words and persuasion, so I can probably get them to follow you like chicks to a hen if I really wanted to. But yeah, yeah, I'll come over, if I'm sober. . . and awake. . . and I feel like it . . . and don't have a buxom blonde in the bed with me when I wake up. If you have some dinner with me, you can make sure all of the above happen, perhaps you'd be interested in taking the blonde's place?" Revan gave his co-worker a charming, appropriately devilish grin, looking rather smug as always. Even if Delilah turned him down, it was no skin of his bones, it wasn't like picking up women was hard for him and he had an eternity to sleep with another immortal, so he was in no real rush. Looking over to the punch bowl, he saw one kid pour some vodka into the punch bowl. Now what he should've done is draw attention to the boy and kick his ass out, but what he was going to do was sit back and let the chaos unfold. He was the security guard, and thus, the most likely person that people would come to in this situation. So if any of them wanted to ruin the fun, he'd just convince them to forget about it. [@bluemoon277] Xavier Having left Aleida at his dorm, using her magic usually assuring that she'd be out for the rest of the night, and Alex somewhere he couldn't remember, Xavier came to the party dressed in his nicest clothes, a dress shirt, a jacket, some clean blue jeans, and a new pair of sneakers. Yeah, him and his dad never really ended up in places where nice clothes were essential, required, or even favored. Walking up to the punch bowl, he nervously got himself a cup full and quickly downed it without tasting it, surprised to find that their was alcohol in it. And strong stuff as well, though Xavier was pretty much unaffected by it, having been almost raised on alcohol his whole life, or at least since he was 6. It had stopped having an overly adverse effect on him when he turned 12, and he was able to outdrink almost anyone with relative ease. The only people who had managed to beat him were his Dad, every single time, and surprisingly enough, Aleida. It had been a few nights ago, where his dad had cranked out some casks of vodka he had acquired from somewhere, challenging the two of them to a drinking contest, Now, having been raised like this, he saw no harm in letting Aleida join in and soon the 3 of them began to drink like no tomorrow. When he woke up the following morning, he saw Aleida tapped to the ceiling fan and his dad passed out in exhaustion. Apparently, after round 120, where Xavier had to call the quits and faint, Revan and Allie had kept going until round 415, where Allie was dead-drunk and started using her powers willy-nilly, firing off bolts of energy, fire, wind, lighting, you name it as she pranced around the room(which she expanded to be the size of a football field), with Revan chasing after her. Soon, having enough, he just wrapped her up in duct tape, then taped her to the ceiling fan, where she spent the rest of the night making a breeze to spin herself around before she finally fainted. When she woke up, she had to go pee [i]really[/i] badly, but that was a story for another day, one that is hopefully far away. "Good punch, needs something else to give it some more kick, though." he commented to no one in particular, getting himself another cup full. [@Remipa Awesome] [@Destinyfailhorror17]