[h2]Zento Ray[/h2] [@hatakekuro] Zento frowned, this defiantly was not gonna end quick. As the tiger flying through the air, she opened her mouth and finally used a Kido. Instead of firing it at Zento, she fired it at the ground, maybe hopping to soften the landing. Surprisingly, the momentum he was using to throw her to the ground, dissaperaed, he stumbled at bit before regaining his balance and stance. Before the smoke cleared she was already on her feet and had chucked Zento's bokken back at him. Zento sidesteped, moving away from the weapons intended path. Before it passed him, he grabbed the bokken out of the air, then he quickly took his stance. The enemy gave him is weapon back, another mistake she would pay for. [b]"Kido #1: Sai!"[/b] he yelled out as he pointed his index and middle fingers at her. Before the tiger knew it her hands were forced behind her back. "Check." He mumbled to himself as he brought up his other hand, the one in which he was holding his bokken, parallel to his other. [b]"Kido #4: Byakurai!"[/b] he proclaimed as he lifted up his index finger in the direction of the tiger, a bolt of concentrated lightning came at the tiger at furious speeds.