"Get ready to drop the anchor as we pull into port." Her father's voice was loud and rang out around her and his men as they all busied themselves with preparing the ship to port into the lovely backdrop of Italy. Andrea really played no part in preparing the ship or shouting orders, so she stood near the edge of the large mast and utilized her father's binoculars to see if she could make out the large group of people gathered at the docking station. Most times that they pulled into port they did so under the coverage of night, but her father had a plan to pretend to be merchants from Spain who were looking to sell various spices collected in the new world - colonies far to the west of their own homes. She looked to her father to see him motion with his hands that she needed to change her clothes and as such she rushed below to slip into a soft blue cotton dress as she would represent her sailors to whomever awaited them. She finished brushing her long chestnut hair and touched her lips with a soft gloss to help make her appear more feminine and less of the dominate woman that she was. Only on the open seas and in seats of parliament was a woman with her nature and appetite welcomed. She smiled at the very thought and walked with care back to the upper decks as she ship started to decrease in speed and a few deckhands from the awaiting pier stepped up to help her men bring the ship in safely. A young man, well dressed and quite regal in his appearance and stance stood to the front of the crowd and she realized it was most likely him that she might address. They needed to be careful in their presentation of what they were doing in Italy for if anyone understood that they were true pirates, they would either be burned at the stake or hung in the noonday town center events. Either idea caused her soul to shutter. She moved to the front of the ship and took the hand of a young soldier, a nod of her head to thank him for his hospitality. She stepped off the ship and walked with intent and purpose down the small doc to stand before the well-dressed young man, bowing low in a curtsy and standing to present herself. "I am Elizabeth Vontaga of Spain and my father, Luis the captain of this merchant ship. We come from a trip to the new world and the province of America with spices and various jewels that we discovered on our travels. The King of Spain has had his fill and would like us to present to you, our neighbors the remaining items to see if you're interested in a joint venture going forward or perhaps selecting Spain as a merchant supplier for your great country." She paused only briefly before inquiring, "To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?"