[i][color=bc8dbf]Kotori Namashiya[/color][/i] - [u]A Caged Songbird[/u] Concern still etched across her face as the conversation continued, for what had normally started off as a relatively uneventful day had swiftly turned into a tumultuous one. To start was Ria's...unbelievable boldness, only to be followed by something equally tragic. Someone in the Artist's family was in grave danger, and now she was part of the conspirators to help try and save her. Even still, was there honestly much she could do? Sure she was a Telekinetic, but certainly it was too dangerous for someone as meek as her. Her lip trembled for a brief moment. Still ever worried about what might come, the little Songbird only hoped that she could at least help in some measure. Heavy footsteps swiftly marching up behind her caused her attention to shift; after all, she had completely forgotten that she was at work! The tall, sinister looking man held a grave composure as his eyes affixed on her. Something seemed off, at least she thought as much. Was he so angry that she hadn't helped him quiet yet? Departing from her seat beside Sasaki, Kotori bit her lip hesitantly as he drew closer. [color=bc8dbf]"Ah...s-sorry sir I-I'll be right with you please have a-..."[/color] Suddenly, the man grabbed her, forcing a cloth that held a funny smell against her mouth and nose. Why, so quickly, did the world begin to spin? Who was dimming the lights? Was this another prank of Ria's again? It couldn't be, this man wasn't feeling her up like the Cryogenic Esper had been. It didn't matter. The world was dark now. She decided it was time for a nap as her eyes rolled back into her head, and the little Songbird went limp. Heavens it was cold. And the floor was hard. Was this ice? Uncomfortably, Kotori shifted in her fitful slumber. There had been no dream, that was the most peculiar part about it all. She always dreamed, but now there were voices. One was confused, and the other disgruntled. Blinking bewilderedly, she reached up to her eyes and rubbed them lightly to wipe the weariness from them. When the ceiling came into focus, she swiftly realized that it was no longer the warm lights of Mocha Dreams where she had worked. Nor was it her home? And why was she rumbling about as if this place was on the move? Lifting her head slowly, she realized she was in the back of a truck. And not only a few feet from her sat a pair of menacing looking men. One of their sets of eyes began to drift back to the van, and out of panic Kotori pretended she was still unconscious. He didn't come back and give her a dose of that funny smelling chemical again...her ruse worked, at least for now. [i]She was being kidnapped![/i] [b]IN A MAID OUTFIT NO LESS[/b]. [color=bc8dbf][i]This certainly doesn't bode well[/i].[/color] Frantically, she attempted to assemble her thoughts until she realized something: these men were the kidnappers? Perhaps...just perhaps they might have kidnapped the Artist's cousin as well? Surely, the chances of this were unrealistic at best, not to mention horrific at worst. But maybe these men didn't know [i]what[/i] she was. Acting as if a sudden turn caused her to flop onto her side, the Telekinetic settled her fingertips upon the metal. She could [i]feel[/i] the vehicle that they were in, a thin, invisible wave of telekinesis extending outward from her fingertips as she gained a sudden, and instant understanding of her surroundings. The two men were all that resided in the van with her as they drove, an it seemed like they were clipping along at...eighty kilometers an hour or so? Even then however, she could still not make out the finer details of her surroundings. They were moving too swiftly, but there was still an important matter. A turn left here, a turn right there. Memorizing the path by which they took as best she could, the little Songbird remained as quiet as a mouse as her eyes remained closed while she focused her ability into her power. Maybe she was lucky while being unlucky, for once. She could only hope that in the end, that the Artist's cousin was indeed within the custody of men like these two. Or perhaps allies of theirs, and that they were incompetent at best. If she were lucky, they could try an escape.