[h3]Iyo[/h3] [@Remipa Awesome] [@Raijinslayer] Iyo went towards the punch and poured himself a cup, sipping it while Hunter talked. He did notice the taste and that he was really mad. “OH MY GOD! YOU IDOIT!!” He shouted as he though the one who spiked the punch was his bog bro twin idiot Hana. “He does this every time!!! I tell him to stop but noOooOOO! He has to do this thing again! Ugh!” He shouted ay the air with frustration, believing that Hana has done his pranks once more but Iyo being so mad he drank more of the punch without care of the alcohol. He turned back to Hunter and another guy saying the punch needed a kick to it more. The thing is though that Iyo was light so any alcohol at all…well… “SHhoo STthhupid! I Hwaattee Yoouuu Haaaana!! ” He became a drunken mess easily... Iyo drank more of the punch, complete drunk after a couple of sips. He swayed around and nearly tripped on his own. “Haannaaa wwhhyy…” [h3]Hana[/h3] [@Remipa Awesome] Hana looked at the punch again and noticed….someone just spiked it…the guy just spiked the punch…He was going to do that…. “You…fucker…” He growled, no one ever steals his thunder; he had been doing the prank since he got to high school. And if that guy steals it...He walked away form the girl and towards the guy who just spiked it and grabbed him from the collar of his shirt. Though it looked kind of funny who a 5’8 guy was threating a 6 foot guy but Hana was surely angry. His Yankees knew how mad Hana can get and made sure they don’t stop him and if they did well they never really want to talk about it. “You spiked the punch heh…Well look here kid…” He stepped back and then quickly pushed him onto the floor causing a lot of people to turn to him and the guy. Hana curled his hands to a fist and seemed ready to pounce. Giving out a smile that said you are dead on it made things seemed worse. “No one does that but me…” Then throwing a punch at him.