[quote=@Lugubrious] Very glad to have you aboard! You've made it sound very exciting, Reddy. Among other ideas for interesting places to be in, I was also thinking of setting a story in the Lepers, in the midst of a city filled with sickness, wherein Nocnitsa butts heads with the player characters as they try to figure out what exactly is keeping the city in its perpetual miasma. Regardless of where we go, I always thought it would be awesome for Nocnitsa to become more of a presence. In the course of their adventures, the PCs would find that not only is the creed of Nocnitsa true, but the godlike personifications of the magical affinities exist as well, and we meet several of them. Though the gods claim benevolence or indifference, with mortal affairs beneath them, they turn out in fact to be beings orchestrating events on a massive scale, from Bestia on Tourmaline to Tenebris, Venenum, and Praecantio on Spinel, Motus in Agate, Aqua in the aforementioned watery city (what's a good name for it...Ebb?), and so on. A bunch of them might be abominable monsters in actuality, preying on the races of Protea. I get the feeling that this might be what [@Prince Of Seraphs] is working on. Of course, that is only one idea, and based on what you guys feel would be fun, we could do something completely different. [/quote] The framework is solid and nothing says our adventures have to end in Ebb (liked that name too btw). Ultimately the endgame and overall framework is your call Lugugrious. Fighting embodiment sounds fun and the alien mindset of an aspect of the world could be terrifying. I'm working on a second character now, not sure how many we're allowed. After that I might start on building up some NPCs, additional organizations, and places. Nothing too fancy, but you wanted us to create, and so I will.