[h2]Mako Moritomi//Warakuma Mall[/h2] [h3]Monday, April 20th, 2015[/h3] ==~== To anyone else observing Mako Moritomi as he trudged through town, it would seem like nothing was wrong in the world. In reality, he had to try very hard to restrain his impulse of angrily stomping his way through Warakuma after he left the school in disgust with himself. It was a bad day for practice, apparently. [color=0076a3][i]No rhythm, no focus, no energy- a complete waste of time, really.[/i][/color] He sighed- days like this came every so often, when his frustrations caught up enough with him that not even fighting could break him out of his irritations, but it was still aggravating whenever it did happen. One of the few joys he had in his young life, and his damnable temperament kept on stealing it away at the most inopportune moments. [color=0076a3][i]Could be I'm just bothered by the thought of that... girl, the other day at practice. Or my reaction to it. Either way, it might do me some good to take a day off of practice.[/i][/color] So he strolled along, looking for something to occupy his mind and his time, when he came across something in the mall he hadn't noticed before (always a pleasant surprise for the young man). [color=0076a3][i]A cafe? Haven't seen this before. Is it new? Or maybe someone's just made the decor more... eye-catching?[/i][/color] Either way, now that the building had caught his interest, it was worth checking it out for the sake of it. Perhaps it was just what he needed to get his mind off of his less pleasant thoughts. As he strolled towards it however, he began to notice that it was more of a distraction than he had initially assumed. [color=0076a3][i]A cosplay cafe...?[/i][/color] He stopped in his tracks for a moment, before a wide grin creeped across his features. [color=0076a3][i]How[/i] marvelous.[/color] He confidently strode the rest of the way toward the cafe, throwing the doors open with aplomb appropriate to the situation at hand. [color=0076a3][i]A gun theme. Incredible. Where did they get all these wonderful replicas?[/i] "Greetings!"[/color] he crowed in his most pleasantly bombastic voice. [color=0076a3]"How is everyone this fine day?"[/color]