The year is 2020. Due to worsening crime rates and lack of government funding, a new initiative was launched. Known officially as Task Force One - and Cerberus by everyone else - the job of law enforcement was handed over to "police for hire". The Japanese call them Butei - short for Busou Tantei, meaning "Armed Detectives." With the advancement of technology and the need for more versatile agents, Cerberus runs its own Academy where they train children to be specialists in this field. After graduating from primary education or middle school, teenagers have the option of signing up to join the Academy if they pass the prerequisite aptitude tests. The first batch of graduates were quickly formed into squads, each team responsible for a single city, and for cracking down on crime. It is here that our story begins, with the Butei of Division Six, assigned to the city of Arkhan. Arkhan is the last place anyone wants to live in. It is a haven for criminals and organized crime syndicates. The law of the land is that the one with the biggest gun is king, and only the strong survive. Division Six was assigned to this city because they are the best of the best among the first batch of Butei, and also because they are uniquely qualified in one regard. They're descended from the stuff of legends. They are agents with "Bloodlines", hereditary abilities passed down from parent to child. Most of them are known by titles such as the "fifth Sherlock Holmes" or something or other. For a corrupt city like Arkhan, Cerberus sent its strongest weapon to tame it. [hr] [u][b]The Butei[/b][/u] While Butei can be summed up as "Mercenary Police", it is important to note that they have their own Butei Charter or Law to follow. They are given the right to bear arms and the authority to use necessary force to make arrests, but they are definitely not Dirty Harrys or vigilantes. The rules governing the Butei can be briefly summed up as thus: 1. Butei are to avoid unnecessary use of lethal force, unless there is a clear threat to civilians or themselves. 2. Butei are allowed to pick jobs at their own discretion, however, once a contract is accepted, it must be completed. 3. Butei are not allowed to interfere with any offical operations carried out by government law enforcement or the military unless otherwise requested or instructed to. 4. Butei have a responsibility to the public first, their comrades second, themselves third, and criminals last. Saving lives should always take priority over the arrest. [b][u]Bloodlines[/u][/b] As briefly mentioned above, Bloodlines are hereditary abilities passed down from generation to generation. Where two individual with Bloodlines were to mix, only one is passed down to their offspring at random. No documented case of an individual with two or more Bloodlines is known to exist. Bloodlines have the potential to allow an individual to surpass their physical limits or even bend the laws of physics and nature, but they can also be double-edged swords. Control over Bloodlines is limited in the sense that offensive powers, such the ability to manipulate fire, can still cause serious collateral damage and harm to one's own side. While others may be mroe innocuous or passive, it is generally advised that Butei not rely on their Bloodlines to do their job. [b][u]The Academy[/u][/b] The Academy is responsible for training Butei of all nationalities and faiths, and prides itself on versatility. As such, students are given an education in general academic subjects on top of their professional training. After the first two years of general training across different fields, students are sorted into specialties and study at the following specialized Faculties: [b]Assault[/b] As its name implies, the Assault school trains Butei who specialize in combat. Students are trained in gun handling and use of melee weapons, though most choose to specialize further with a particular brand of firearm or melee weapon. It should be noted that despite this, all students are required to be proficient in both areas. It is said that S-rank Assault Butei are worth a battalion of soldiers by themselves. Training also encompasses assault tactics and students are put into dangerous situations, violent combat being the least of them, making it the riskiest Butei program. To date, the student mortality rate is at 3%, and students have taken to calling it "the course with no future". A "sub-class" specialty is the Sniper School, where students are given additional training in observation, concealment, and remote combat support. The best students of this program are said to be able to pull off impossible or miraculous shots, having near pinpoint accuracy even when firing from helicopters or moving vehicles. [b][u]Intelligence[/u][/b] A pretty self-explanatory name, the Faculty of Intelligence trains Butei who specialize in information gathering. There are two broad Schools in the Intelligence Faculty - Lezzad and Dagula. Lezzad trains Butei for field work, such as infiltration enemy territory and studying subversive tactics. By and large, they are the ones who provide most of Cerberus intel, and key to most operations. Dagula have somewhat of a notorious reputation, as their training focuses on interrogation. Rumours abound that Dagula students learn torture techniques and are given orders to kill even if it contradicts Butei Law, though these rumours have not been confirmed. Psychology, the art of conversation and somatology are just some of the skills they possess. [b]Logi[/b] The least glamorous but no less important Faculty, students of Logi are the backbone of Cerberus. They learn everything about support roles in the background from driving, to electronic engineer and computer skills. They most often work closely with Lezzad to obtain digital information, or with Assault as extraction drivers and pilots. Though that would not be all they do. Logi also make excellent sappers and tricksters in the field. While they may lack the combat ability of the Assault faculty, machines and technology are just as deadly as guns in their hands. Drones, electronic warfare and interference are just some of the ways they ensure their fellow Butei can make the arrests without worry. [hr] [b][u]The City of Arkhan[/u][/b] Arkhan is a city rife with crime and corruption. While the economy is mostly stable, its wealth is distributed two ways - to those who already have it, and to those who take it by force. Organized crime syndicates vie for control over its streets, while corrupt officials back them in exchange for protection and money. It is therefore not a stretch to imagine that it is equally a haven for terrorist groups and arms dealers, who use the chaos of the city to mask their presence. While an uneasy truce has been reached between the major crime syndicates, occasional fighting between smaller street gangs still occurs. Day to day life of the average citizen are also affected by the taxes imposed upon them by drug lords and mob bosses in exchange for the privilege of going unmolested in their day to day business. There's a saying among the residents of Arkhan that even children become soldiers in this city, and no man is unarmed. It is also why Cerberus has officially authorized Division Six to use "any means necessary" to do their jobs. [center][b]Division Six[/b][/center] Division Six was initially set up to be a specialized squad, targeted at taking down organized crime. As such, as opposed to other squads, which mostly comprised of Butei from specific schools, Divison Six has a mix of Butei specializing in different areas. As a means of testing the efficiency of Cerberus' training and the Butei, they were tasked with helping to clean up Arkhan as their first assignment. After a close study of its terrain, it was decided that the Butei of Division Six would need to be the cream of the crop. Post your CS to [b]in the OOC first[/b]. Once I accept your character and say you can post it there, then do so. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Code Name: Age: (18-21) Gender: Appearance: (Images with short descriptions preferred) Psychological Profile: (Personality) Specialty: (Insert name of Faculty you graduated from here) Skill Appraisal: (A list of your character's [b]most proficient[/b] skills. All Butei are trained in basic techniques from other faculties.) Follow this format - Bloodline: - This is essentially the theme of the characters, that they are descendants of famous characters from history, mythology, fiction. General rule of thumb - if you can find a Wikipedia page describing the tale/folklore/history of said character, they count. Personal History: Weaponry: (Just their favourite/most proficient/commonly used weapon. NOTE: Butei as a general rule carry one melee weapon and one firearm. Feel free to berak this rule if you wish. If there is a weapon/artifact from ancestor's legend you wish to include here, feel free to do so) Other relevant information: [/hider] [hr] [b][u]FAQ[/u][/b] Will be updated.