[indent]"People? Shit." I watched as both the knight and the assassin stood up suddenly. No doubt they'd heard something in the brush. Made sense that we were being followed. Any idiot with ears would've heard us talking in that obscenely quiet forest. Stupid stupid stupid. Utterly stupid.[/indent] [color=red]"I will flank them."[/color] [indent]Oh great. Another bright idea from our would-be knife guy. Whoop-de-frigging-doo. How quaint would it be if our secret admirer had heard that too? Dumbass. Whatever. I had my hand on the hilt of my sickle, the other already clasping my broken sword-dagger tightly. If this new asshole wanted a fight, he'd get a fight. I took a few steps forward, putting myself between whatever...broken, fucked up piece of shit that was coming for us, and the lady. Hey, call me crazy, but I still had some sense of chivalry in me. I wasn't about to let this lady get hurt or die, no matter how well armed she was, or how crazy I was. I whipped my mask back on and strapped my lute onto my back. Business time. The shadows the light casted were long against the dirt; there was next to nothing here except a few bushes here and there, us, the valley walls and the few trees that lived here, but their shadows etched strange images across the dirt and dry grass, and all that created this weird...psychedelic shadow cover that was masking us all. The sun...or whatever the hell it was that hung in the sky above us, it was still shining right brightly, but it had no warmth. All it had was light, like a distant candle light or some glowy magic thingy that just was...there. Taunting us. Making us feel absolutely nothing, not even a little bit safe. The more I thought about it the more it irked me. What irked me more was what was going on in front of me. Quick as a blink, our knight friend was confronted by this...stone thing. It was covered in cloths of all colours and then some, and it had this weird glass thingo in its center. It was...strangely mesmerising to look at. I found myself growing calmer just by staring at it, and the longer I did, the more I felt my mind sort of spiraling into...eternity, almost, like the feeling you get when you're way up high on a cliff or a castle tower and you look down, and you feel all dizzy and tingly from the sheer height. It was...weird. [sub][sub]and there's a little voice in the back of your head telling you to jump cause you can fly[/sub][/sub][/indent] [b]“The Hermit sent you, did he not? In the kingdom of the Blind, the one eyed man is King.”[/b] [indent]Then it got stabbed in the eye by the knight. Oh. Well then. So much for that. The thing gave an unholy screech as it...disintegrated? Collapsed? Imploded? I don't know how to describe it adequately. It got all cracked up and light shone from within it, seeping between the cracks, it was screeching the whole time, then it sorta...became nothing with a thump and a small shockwave that shook the branches above our heads. Stranger and stranger. Then our knight friend spoke, or shouted rather.[/indent] [b]“Life-Giver! Do not strike this man! And you! You must come down into the valley! He has been watching and he knows where you are. The Turn of the Light approaches! Hurry!”[/b] [indent]Who was he calling to? And what was he talking about? The Turn of the Light? What, was that, like, the turning of some sort of clock or a transition from day to night? Well none of that mattered now, because our guest took that moment to show himself from the knoll he was hiding behind. A young, handsome looking man clad in ceremonial plate armour, faded with age, along with purple robes that were just as faded. He instantly struck me as a prick of the highest degree, one of those prissy assholes that does nothing but order people around, wear expensive clothing and never consorts with those below his pay grade. One of those prissy assholes that lived in a tower and gazed down upon the poor beneath him, one of royalty, ambition, blind, naive and immature. A Prince. That's what he reminded me of the most. I had an inkling feeling that I might've seen this prissy asshole somewhere before, but until I had my memories back, I couldn't be sure. Our knight consorted with the guy a short while, then turned to face us.[/indent] [b]“It is not safe here, we must make haste unto the forest before the Light can be allowed to turn!”[/b] [indent]Suddenly what he was saying made a little more sense. The more I thought about it, the more I focused less on the group, but on our surroundings. The Knight was right. The Light was turning. The shadows had shifted. No, no no no, that wasn't right. They had not shifted. No, it was more in the present tense. [h3]They were [b]shifting.[/b][/h3] I paled. Oh boy. "Guys, I think our Knight friend's right the Light's turning." I threw my head to the sky and took off my mask to see better. The tree cover wasn't thorough, but from a distance, near what I took to be the horizon, I saw a cloak of black that was steadily heading towards us. And what was worse, it was getting [b]faster[/b]. It was advancing on us like some unholy army and it was marching closer and faster with every passing moment. It was fast. Too fast. Even if we ran at a full tilt we wouldn't be able to outrun it. I could barely see the outline of the sun past the tree cover; it was a pale, round circle that hung in the sky like a lamp, but it was slowly being...eaten, consumed by this darkness that creeped and seeped and spread its tendrils over the seemingly smooth surface of the Sun, blocking out its light inch by staggering inch. Almost like...the darkness was alive, and it was [B]HUNGRY[/B]. Shit. Shit shit shit. At that point I threw caution and all that cloak-and-dagger shit out the window, readied myself, and yelled.[/indent] [center][h3]"THE LIGHT IS TURNING!"[/h3][/center][center][h1]"THE LIGHT IS TURNING!"[/h1][/center] [indent]And just like that my panicked yell was followed by an unholy [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnXy6i8AaWg]growling[/url] that seemed to echo from [b]EVERYWHERE[/B]. The trees in the forest ahead that I could see rippled in the fierce wind that shot forth from the advancing darkness behind us, while all around us similar roars, screams and screeches rang out from unseen monsters that were masked by the high valley walls. I heard the tearing and shattering of wood in the distance ahead and above us; dirt being thrown up in massive clods by unseen feet, or even hooves, from the sounds of it. Thumping, clawing, the scratching and scraping of sharp, nasty things being dragged across the trees. It came from all around us! Everywhere! As the darkness grew nearer, the sounds increased in volume, in nastiness. It made my skin crawl just hearing those noises, sheesh! It was unreal, almost nightmarish in quality the way these things sounded; like someone was heading our way, but his elbows weren't the right way around and he had more than a pair of knees and no jaw. Some...sick, unreal freak of nature.[/indent] [hider=And then, in a glint of escaping light, I caught sight of one of them, and what I saw scared me stiff.][img]http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn293/emanneercs4/skullCreature.jpg[/img][/hider] [center]"Fellas, I think we may have more pressing matters on our hands if we don't [h1][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw44SGqEy7k]RUN."[/url][/h1][/center] [hr][indent][sub]The beasts, they waited in the darkness. They knew the Turning of the Light was coming, and when it did, they rejoiced. In all their meat and flesh and bone, every molecule of their being, they sought to[/sub] [b]feed[/b]. [sub][sub][sub]hurry fall asleep[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub]Their birth was of[/sub] [b]blood[/b] [sub]and[/sub] [b]bone[/b][sub], their lives forged on[/sub] [b]death[/b][sub] and [/sub][b]suffering[/b]. [sub][sub][sub]or the Boogeyman will come for you[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub]From [/sub][b]corpses[/b][sub] they were made, living in the [/sub][b]dark[/b] [sub][sub][sub]hurry fall asleep[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub]And to [/sub][b]corpses[/b][sub] they returned when the [/sub][b]light[/b][sub] shone bright.[/sub] [sub][sub][sub]from the swamp he will come[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub]By the [/sub][b]Empty[/b][sub] they were given life, and to the [/sub][b]Empty[/b][sub] they gave [/sub][b]death[/b]. [sub][sub][sub]hurry fall asleep[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub]In their creations across the [/sub][b]Lands Betwixt[/b][sub], by the [/sub][b]living[/b][sub] in the [/sub][b]dead,[/b] [sub][sub][sub]and [b]take[/b] the children that don't behave[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub]they [/sub][b]roam,[/b][sub] they [/sub][b]rove,[/b][sub] they [/sub][b]seek[/b] [sub][sub][sub]hurry fall asleep[/sub][/sub][/sub] [sub]to [/sub][b]feast[/b][sub] on your [/sub][b]flesh,[/b][sub] your [/sub][b]blood,[/b] [sub]your [/sub][h2][b]soul.[/b][/h2] [sub][sub][sub]the [b]Boogeymen[/b][/sub][/sub][/sub] [/indent] [hr] [sub][sub]you forgot the header[/sub][/sub] [center][sub]Oh, did I? I guess in all the chaos I must've forgot. Well here.[/sub][/center] [h2][center]C H A P T E R [b]II[/b][/center][/h2] [center]༒[/center] [center][h3]–[i]F a d i n g [b]L i g h t[/b][/i]–[/h3][/center] [center][sub]There, happy now?[/sub][/center] [sub][sub]im sure the readers will be pleased[/sub][/sub] [center][sub]Yeah, maybe. Jester's back, baby, and I'm sure ya'll missed me.[/sub][/center] [center][img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc162/djatomika/343603_thepsychosheep_the-jester_zps7i5fjul7.jpg[/img] [sub]...or something like that. Whatever, I dunno.[/sub][/center]