[colour=khaki][h3]Main Office Ukatan University Assassin [/h3][/colour] [@Gamerdude369] [colour=violet]“Flying, yes, like a méchante sorcière, a wicked witch. Broom and all. They were heading away from the university, I cannot be more accurate than that,”[/colour] Assassin confirmed with a slight nod. [colour=violet]“How would I like this to go? Does it really matter? Well, since you ask, we should avoid direct combat whenever possible. However avoiding battle altogether will get us nowhere. We need to manipulate the situation.”[/colour] Assassin paused for a moment, looking at her Master with a momentarily perplexed look before understating dawned on her. She nodded in agreement. [colour=violet]“That might work.”[/colour] It seemed that her Master wished to create a situation that would endear him to one of the other Masters so as to earn their trust, hence the emphasis on naivety. [b]Information Erasure[/b], her latent ability to remove information related to her identity immediately following battle would prove most advantageous. It would allow her to perform her role with complete anonymity. That way she could re-join her Master, posing as a normal human through [b]Presence Concealment[/b]. With that course of action agreed upon she returned to his previous question. [colour=violet]“It is not enough to simply strike at the Masters. The Masters will be guarded, their Servants will see to that. So we need to remove the Servants from the equation. Ideally we need to create a situation in which two Masters are forced into direct confrontation with one another, thereby forcing their Servants hands. The more equally matched the better. This will create an opening, a temporary vulnerability that we can exploit. A moment is all I will need,” [/colour] Assassin suggested.