[b]Name:[/b] Victor Steiner [b]Code Name:[/b] Arzt [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/c4/9c/33/c49c332153e90cea4ca3b4fbb3386e4b.jpg[/img] His hair is a light walnut color, and he has bright blue eyes. Victor has a very slight build and is somewhat pale. When out of uniform he wears high quality suits almost exclusively. He prides himself on his flexibility and durability, despite his somewhat lacking physique. His glasses are surprisingly durable, able to take a solid hit from a pipe. He hopes to avoid testing this while they're still on his face however. [b]Psychological Profile:[/b] Victor is an oddity in terms of personality. He exhibits no sociopathic tendencies nor does he have a history of psychosis within his family. He's friendly, warm, and polite, almost to a fault. He is a team player, works well in groups, and rarely shows signs of disobedience or problems with authority. He is also ruthlessly efficient and calculating when given a goal. He does not hesitate to take the quickest path from A to B, and seems to hold no remorse or guilt to his methods, no matter what they may be. It is possible he has mild multiple personality disorder, as comprehensive analysis shows he has gaps in his memory from certain missions. During interrogations, his Bloodline has manifested as a very useful tactic for gathering information without causing undue harm to the prisoner. However, it should be noted that he takes no pleasure or satisfaction through torture or killing. Rather he seems to view it as part of the job and reacts rather neutrally to that aspect. His knowledge of anatomy makes him deadly in espionage, however his combat skills are below average in a straight up fight. If he cannot take the enemy by surprise or maintain an advantage against them, he is no better then a regular grunt in a firefight. Best kept as a skirmisher or saboteur, he shows a great understanding of electronic systems, allowing him to double as a hacker and assassin. [b]Specialty:[/b] Intelligence - Dagula [b]Skill Appraisal[/b] First Aid - S Electronics - A Infiltration - A Combat - C [b]Bloodline:[/b] [u]Faust - Körperwissen:[/u] Victor has an unprecedented, almost inhuman understanding of the human body and how it works, able to pinpoint nerve bundles, pressure points, and weak points to paralyze, incapacitate, or cause his target to bleed out in a matter of seconds. This unique skillset makes him a superb assassin, as a single attack from him can cripple or kill his target, and interrogator, as he can easily make superficial wounds seem far more dramatic or painful then they actually are. It is generally accepted that if Victor can get the drop on the enemy, he will win in a single strike. Personal History: Victor was born to a rather renowned German surgeon and a mistress. His father's wife accepted the child as her own however, under the requirements that he have nothing to do with the mistress. Raised in fairly elegant luxury, Victor's unprecedented anatomical knowledge suggested he would have made quite a living as a doctor. After the marriage between his father and stepmother crumbled, Victor and his little brother underwent a grueling and somewhat brutal custody battle, finally resulting in Victor being put in the care of his father and his brother in the care of his stepmom. While not abusive, Victor's father was far from nurturing, leading Victor to join the Academy without his consent. Though he was originally slated to be a medic in Logi, his aptitude and personality soon had him noticed by those within Dagula. He expressed dissatisfaction at being a medic, possibly due to his relationship with his father, and agreed to the transfer. He has since become one of the to wetwork agents. Due to his brutal efficiency and capabilities, he was transferred to Division Six, and he seems to be rather excited at the challenge. Though his father originally attempted to take his son out of the Academy due to the potential for poor publicity, Victor's own protests and performance has since quelled the matter. According to most, Victor is on an extended stay with relatives outside of Germany. This suits the boy just fine. [b]Weaponry:[/b] H&K p2000 9mm pistol, he keeps a silencer on it at all times. He considers the pistol a "Loud, obtrusive tool used as a last resort." His usual choice of weapons is a heavy loadout of tactical knives, both throwing and melee oriented, and a garrote wire. [b]Other relevant information:[/b] Victor is a native German speaker, and is capable of speaking English, Italian, Japanese, and incredibly broken Russian. He has a thick accent with all of them however. He also practices yoga, and his favorite pose is Tree. ----------- Tell me anything you'd like me to alter or change! I wanted someone who was more surgical support oriented rather than a tough fighter. I also just noticed that Robin's gender is...Phantom?