[b]Archer, Ukatan City[/b] [@Constantine] Once more Archer found himself having to disagree, to some extent. For one, Assassin would not have fought like this, Rider would have used his mount if he was putting in any effort at all, and Caster would be using magic. Admittedly, the roots could have been some form of nature magic, but it didn't seem all that likely. And another of the classes could have had that as well. So in the end perhaps his master was more right than he liked to think, and he was merely disagreeing because he had to stick to his original opinion. Details, that had no bearing on their present situation. Archer frowned, brow curling in though as he considered the situation at hand whilst watching the ongoing fight, and considering what to do. Berserker and Saber tended to be pretty strong classes in their own rights. It would be best to align with one and then fight them afterwards, if they were to do that sort of thing. On the other hand though, it might make more sense to let them fight it out, and then attack whomever won. At that point they would be exhausted, injured, perhaps even unable to use their Noble Phantasm, which was a boost in and of itself. He could see why Louise was having a problem with it. Resolving himself, he held his hand out with his palm upwards, and he caught a rifle as it dropped from thin air. Measured movements brought it up and to his shoulder as he aimed down the sights at the ongoing battle. Specifically, the schoolgirl that currently served as a Commander in this war. "If we're going to get involved, we should target the Masters," he explained. "They won't be able to survive long without a supply of Prana, especially Berserker." It was a cold hearted way to do things, but it was what needed to be done to win. They should take advantage of anything they could get. Posed that way, he shifted his gaze over to his doubt stricken Master, noting the way she clung to the broom in her hands and struggled. "Do what you think is right," he said then, drawing on his Charisma. "At the moment, we aren't exactly pressed for a decision. So, we can help your friend, fight her, or wait and see what happens. The War is still early yet, but your friend might be more important than whatever's at the end of this." Not the easiest consolation, but it would serve.