[@Destinyfailhorror17] [color=00aeef]Hunter![/color] Hunter walked over to Iyo, he was definitely drunk, and couldn't hold his liqueur that well either. "[color=00aeef]Come on buddy, lets get ya home.[/color]" Hunter put him arm around Iyo hoping he wouldn't fall the second he didn't pay attention. He hadn't seen any one get that drunk that fast since he went to school at Wilford and David spiked the punch with his over priced...Dammit. Hunter would have to deal with this later. "[color=00aeef]Question? Do you remember where you live? Because I don't.[/color]" Hunter was low on options, he could let Iyo stay at the party, but he got wasted fast and no telling how many other things were spiked here. [color=00aeef]David![/color] (try three, this is what happens when I lack sleep sorry) David was shocked when he got pushed down. He was also pissed in a way. He stood up to face Hana. "[color=004b80]Now who the hell are you, to be talking to me like that?[/color]" He walked up to him and looked him dead in the eyes. "If you want to start something I hope you can finish it, I'm willing too." (TRY THREE!)